Journal List > J Korean Hip Soc > v.21(4) > 1048648

Lee, Ahn, and Cho: Calcific Tendinitis of the Gluteus Medius Tendon



This study evaluated the clinical symptoms, diagnosis and management of calcific tendinitis around the insertion of the gluteus medius tendon.

Materials and Methods

Between February 2004 and December 2008, 9 patients (8 women and 1 man; mean age, 57 years; age range, 41~80) with a diagnosis of calcific tendinitis were enrolled in this study. All patients underwent radiography and sonography. The relationships between the clinical aspects, medication, the shape of calcification under radiography, thickening of the tendon, and the shape of calcification under sonography were analyzed.


Type 1 (fluffy margin) under radiography had a shorter symptom duration and faster recovery than type 2 (well-defined and homogenous margin) (p=0.03). Tendon thickening and the shape of calcification (ovoid or amorphous) from the sonographic findings was not significantly related to the symptom duration and recovery time. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication had no effect on the symptom duration or recovery time.


Patients with calcific tendinitis around the gluteus medius tendon with a type 1 margin (fluffy margin) showed a shorter symptom duration and faster recovery than those with a type 2 margin. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory medication had no effect on the symptom duration or recovery time.

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