Journal List > J Clin Neurol > v.11(1) > 1047855

Chu, Kim, Choi, Hong, Kang, Ma, and Kim: Erratum: Analysis of Dosage Mutation in PARK2 among Korean Patients with Early-Onset or Familial Parkinson's Disease
Authors would like to change annotation of variants in Table 1 and its legend according to HGVS nomenclature recommendation.
1. Ex7 dupl/c.101delAinsAG* → Ex7 dupl/c.106duplG
2. G284R/c.674insT → G284R/c.539_540insT
Accordingly, corrected Table 1 and its legend should be as follows:

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of patients with PARK2 mutations, and the type and location of the mutations

Sex Age at sample Age at onset Family history Variants of PARK2 Zygosity
F 17 17 - Ex1 del Heterozygous
M 56 35 - Ex1 del Heterozygous
M 26 26 + Ex1 del Heterozygous
M 41 23 + Ex1 del Heterozygous
F 32 32 + Ex1 del Heterozygous
M 36 36 - Ex2 del Heterozygous
F 48 45 + Ex2 dupl Heterozygous
F 28 28 + Ex3 del Heterozygous
F 25 25 - Ex4 del Heterozygous
M 30 29 + Ex4 del Heterozygous
F 23 15 - Ex5 dupl Heterozygous
F 36 36 + Ex6 del Heterozygous
F 42 23 + Ex7 del Heterozygous
M 43 41 - Ex10 del Homozygous
F 25 6 - Ex11 del Homozygous
F 50 30 + Ex4 del Homozygous
M 34 28 - Ex2 del/Ex4 del Compound heterozygous
F 44 41.5 + Ex7-10 del/Ex8-10 del Compound heterozygous
M 24 16 - Ex3 del/Ex1-4 del Compound heterozygous
F 38 12 - Ex7 dupl/c.106duplG Compound heterozygous
F 48 12 + G284R/c.539_540insT Compound heterozygous
M 46 42 + Ex2 del and Ex3 del Phase unknown

del: deletion, dupl: duplication, Ex: exon, F: female, M: male.

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