Background and Purpose
Figures and Tables
Table 1
ADL: activities of daily living, COP: coping, H: Loevinger scalability coefficient, ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient, IDV: item-discriminant validity, IIC: item-internal consistency, MSIS-29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale, MusiQoL: Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life, PHY: physical impact, PSY: psychological impact, PWB: psychological well-being, REJ: rejection, RFa: relationships with family, RFr: relationships with friends, RHS: relationships with the healthcare system, SSL: sentimental and sexual life, SYM: symptoms.
Table 2
*One-way analysis of variance, †Spearman's correlation coefficient (r).
ADL: activities of daily living, CIS: clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS, COP: coping, DEP: financial dependence, EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale, INDEP: financial independence, McMS: McDonald MS, MS: multiple sclerosis, MSIS-29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale, MusiQoL: Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life, MusiQoL Index: global MusiQoL score, No-RS: not religious, PHY: physical impact, PPMS: primary progressive MS, PSY: psychological impact, PWB: psychological well-being, REJ: rejection, RFa: relationships with family, RFr: relationships with friends, RHS: relationships with the healthcare system, RRMS: relapsing remitting MS, RS: religious, SPMS: secondary progressive MS, SSL: sentimental and sexual life, SYM: symptoms.
Table 3
ADL: activities of daily living, COP: coping, EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale, MSIS-29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale, MusiQoL: Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life, PHY: physical impact, PSY: psychological impact, PWB: psychological well-being, RE: relative efficiency (=subscale score/total scale score), REJ: rejection, RFa: relationships with family, RFr: relationships with friends, RHS: relationships with the healthcare system, SSL: sentimental and sexual life, SYM: symptoms.
Table 4
*Spearman's correlation coefficient (r), †Independent-samples t-test.
ADL: activities of daily living, COP: coping, FSS-9: Fatigue Severity Scale, HRQoL: health-related quality of life, MSIS-29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale, MusiQoL: Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life, MusiQoL Index: global MusiQoL score, PHQ-9: Korean version of the Patient Health Questionnaire, PHY: physical impact, PSY: psychological impact, PWB: psychological well-being, REJ: rejection, RFa: relationships with family, RFr: relationships with friends, RHS: relationships with the healthcare system, SSL: sentimental and sexual life, SYM: symptoms.
Table 5
ADL: activities of daily living, COP: coping, MSIS-29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale, MusiQoL: Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life, MusiQoL Index: global MusiQoL score, PHY: physical impact, PSY: psychological impact, PWB: psychological well-being, REJ: rejection, RFa: relationships with family, RFr: relationships with friends, RHS: relationships with the healthcare system, SSL: sentimental and sexual life, SYM: symptoms.