Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.7(1) > 1046823

Lee, Jang, Park, and Lee: Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Paratertiary Butylphenol Formaldehyde Resin


The paratertiary butylphenol formaldehyde resin(PTBP-FR) is commonly used in neoprene shoe adhesive to provide stability, durability, flexibility, and to stick quickly.
We report here a case of allergic contact dermatitis in a 22-year-old female, who had well defined, pruritic, erythematous, and papulovesicular lesions on the lateral side of the left foot and ankle for 3 years. Patch test showed 2+(vesicular) reaction .to PTBP-FR(1% in petrolatum), a piece of leather shoes(as is), and a piece of leather watch strap(as is).

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