Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.7(1) > 1046820

Cha, Won, and Chun: Two Cases of Metastatic Carcinoma of Breast


We report two cases of rare, and clinically atypical metastatic breast carcinoma; zosterifo pattern, and cicatrirical pattern. A 51-year-old female had zosteriform eruption in the right chest and arm, which was diagnosed as an inflammatory, and telangiectatic type breast carcinoma I. skin biopsy. Another patient, a 71-year-old female,. had a retraction of nipple and breast, al erythematous nodular plaques like a surgical scar with distant metastasis to the counterlateral inguinal lymph node. A skin biopsy disclosed nodular type lymphatic dissemination of brea.,: carcinoma. In both patients, cutaneous lesions were the first signs of breast cancer with a gra-r prognosis.

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