Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.5(1) > 1046700

Whang, Lee, Choi, and Park: Epidermal Nevus Syndrome with Various Skin Manifestations


We report a case of epidermal nevus syndrome showing various skin manifestations improved with CO2 laser and chemical peeling in a 11-year-old girl. Skin lesions were composed of linear verrucous plaques and numerous papillomatous papules on the face, neck, scalp and trunk, multiple congenital nevocellular nevi on the face, and extensive cafe au lait spots on the trunk. The associated findings of skeletal involvement were gingival hemihypertrophy and benign bone lesion of the 7th rib. CO2 laser and chemical peeling MCA, 50% TCA) were applied to remove these skin lesions which improved considerably.

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