Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.5(1) > 1046675

Park and Park: Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Genital and Laryngeal Papilloma Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction



Compared to condyloma acuminatum, the cause of laryngeal papilloma has not been clearly established. Although mode of viral transmission is not known yet, laryngeal papilloma seems to be caused by same viruses as condyloma acuminatum.


This study was done to investigate the HPV types of condyloma acuminatum and laryngeal papilloma and the epidemiologic relationship between these two diseases.


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done in fifteen cases of condyloma acuminatum and ten cases of laryngeal papilloma.


Same types of HPV DNA (HPV6,11) were detected in all cases of condyloma acuminatum and laryngeal papilloma.


Laryngeal papilloma is considered a pure viral disease caused by HPV 6 or HPVll and closely related to condyloma acuminatum caused by HPV 6, 11.

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