Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.14(2) > 1044795

Choi, Park, Kim, and Choi: Combination Therapy with Intralesional Interferon α-2b and Pulsed Dye Laser for the Treatment of Periungual Warts



Periungual warts are a therapeutic challenge. Many studies have revealed that intralesional interferon α-2b therapy and pulsed dye laser therapy have numerous advantages over other modalities of theratment.


The purpose of this study was to determine if combination therapy with intralesional interferon α-2b and pulsed dye laser might offer an effective treatment for periungual warts.


Thirty-three patients were randomly assigned to one of three study groups. In group A, the patients received both intralesional interferon α -2b treatment and pulsed dye laser(PDL) therapy (n=13). Group B patients were treated wit intralesional interferon α -2b alone (n=10) and group C was done with PDL therapy only (n=10).


The clearance rate was 92.3% for the patients treated with the combination therapy of intralesional interferon α -2b treatment and pulsed dye laser (PDL) therapy. It was 50% for the patients with the intralesional interferon α -2b treatment alone, and 0% for the group with the PDL therpy only. No significant side effects were observed. At 6 months after cessation of the therapy, total 2 cases (one from group A and the other from group B) were recurred.


The combination therapy with intralesional interferon α -2b treatment and pulsed dye laser therapy was highly effective for the treatment of recalcitrant periungual warts.

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