Journal List > Ann Dermatol > v.13(2) > 1044735

Yu, Kim, and Kye: Cutaneous Resurfacing of the Pitted Acne Scars with the Erbium:YAG laser in 100 Patients



Laser resurfacing of cutaneous scars, rhytides, and photodamaged skin has become very popular. Pulsed erbium:YAG laser resurfacing has recently come into favor for the treatment of pitted acne scars.


This study was designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of pulsed erbium:YAG laser in cutaneous resurfacing of pitted acne scars.


100 patients with pitted acne scars were enrolled in this study. All patients were treated by means of a pulsed erbium:YAG laser with a 2 mm handpiece at the setting of 500 to 1000mJ/pulse and fluences used varied between 5-15J/cm2. Photographs of the face were obtained at baseline and 2 week postoperatively. Two weeks after treatment, postoperative care such as applying hydroquinone 4% and tretinoin 0.05% was recommended for 2 to 4 weeks.


Out of 100 patients, 20% of patients showed an excellent response, 50% a good response, 21% a fair response and 9% a poor response. After 6 months, erythema had developed in two patients and and three patients had developed postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation and delayed contact dermatitis.


Treatment with pulsed erbium:YAG laser shows high efficacy and low morbidity in pitted acne scar resurfacing.

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