Journal List > Hanyang Med Rev > v.32(4) > 1044125

Hong and Lee: Update in Prolactinomas


Prolactinomas are frequent causes of gonadal dysfunction and infertility. Dopamine agonists are the main treatment of prolactinoma and the excellent efficacy of the dopamine agonist is well known. Current challenges related to the treatment of prolactinomas include the relationship of long term use of cabergoline and cardiac valvulopathy, the remission after discontinuation of dopamine agonists, the management of pregnant women with prolactinoma, and the role for surgery on long-term management of prolactioma. Herein, these current issues and questions in the management of prolactinomas, including safety of cabergoline, recurrence after discontinuance of dopamine agonist, pregnancy, and role of surgical resection are addressed.


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