Journal List > Korean J Nutr > v.42(5) > 1043775

Yun, Kim, and Chang: Diet Quality Index-International Score is Correlated with Weight Loss in Female College Students on a Weight Management Program


This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the weight control program for female college students. The program was composed of diet and behavioral modifications for 8 weeks. A total of 78 participants enrolled the weight control program. Upon completion of the program, 53 participants experienced weight loss and 25 did not. The intakes of carbohydrate and fat were significantly decreased in both groups. However, the total diet quality index-international (DQII) scores as well as individual scores such as variety scores for protein source and adequacy scores for vegetable, fiber, calcium and vitamin C and moderation scores for empty calorie food were increased significantly in weight loss group only. In the weight loss group, weight, BMI, body fat, percent body fat and waist-hip ratio were decreased significantly. In addition, compared to the weight gain group, the weight loss group had higher changes in weight (weight loss group: -2.6% vs weight gain group: 1.5%, p < 0.001), body fat (-6.0% vs 0.0%, p < 0.001), percent body fat (-3.1% vs -0.3%, p < 0.001), waist-hip ratio (-1.0% vs 0.5%, p < 0.001) and BMI (-2.6% vs 1.3%, p < 0.01). There was no difference in blood profiles between the two groups. The changes in DQI-I scores were significantly correlated with the changes in body weight (r = -0.239, p < 0.05) and BMI (r = -0.224, p < 0.05), indicating that effective nutrition education could help improve diet quality leading to successful weight management among female college students.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Components of Diet Quality Index-international (DQI-I)23)

Values are the percentage of the sample in subcategories

1)Used as a continuous variable

2)Based on 1,200 kcal diet

3)Scoring system based on the RI value for Korea

4)Ratio of energy from carbohydrate to protein to fat following DRIs for Korean

RI: Recommended Intakes, MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acids, SFA: saturated fatty acids, P/S: ratio of PUFA to SFA Intake, M/S: ratio of MUFA to SFA intake

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Table 2
Body weight and composition for college women at baseline and after 8 wks of weight management program along with nutrition education

1)Values are means ± SE

2)Significantly different between baseline and 8thweek by paired t-test (***: p<0.001)

3)Significantly different between weight loss group and weight gain group by student's t-test (†††: p < 0.01)

4)Based on International Obesity Task Force: Asia-Pacific Perspective27)

5)n (%)

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Table 3
Nutrient intake at baseline and after 8 wks of weight management program along with nutrition education

1)Values are means ± SE

2)Significantly different between baseline and 8th week by paired t-test (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001)

3)Intake was adjusted for 1,000 kcal of energy

4)Significantly different by student's t-test between weight loss group and weight gain group at 8th week (: p < 0.05, ∮∮: p < 0.01)

5)Significantly different between weight loss group and weight gain group by student's t-test (: p < 0.05, ††: p<0.01, †††: p < 0.001)

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Table 4
DQI-I at baseline and after 8 wks of weight management program along with nutrition education

1)Values are means ± SE

2)Significantly different between baseline and 8th week by paired t-test (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001)

3)Significantly different by student's t-test between weight loss group and weight ga in group at 8th week (: p < 0.05)

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Table 5
Blood profile at baseline and after 8 wks of weight management program along with nutrition education

1)Values are means ± SE

2)Significantly different between baseline and 8th week by paired t-test (*: p < 0.05)

3)Atherogenic Index (Total cholesterol-HDL-cholesterol)/HDL-cholesterol

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Table 6
The pearson's correlation coefficients between changes in DQI-I scores1) and changes in anthropometric2) and blood lipid profile measurements3)

1)(Final DQI-I score-initial DQI-I score)/initial DQI-I score × 100

2)(Final anthropometric measurement-initial anthropometric measurement)/initial anthropometric measurement × 100

3)(Final blood lipid profile measurement-initial blood lipid profile measurement)/initial blood lipid profile measurement × 100

4)Significantly different by pearson's correlation, *: p < 0.05

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