The purpose of this study was to analyze the stress distribution and the displacement pattern of mandibular anterior teeth under various intrusive force vectors according to the position of orthodontic miniscrews and hooks, using three-dimensional finite element analysis.
A three-dimensional finite element model was constructed to simulate mandibular teeth, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. The displacement of individual tooth on three-dimensional planes and the von Mises stress distribution were compared when various intrusion force vectors were applied.
Intrusive forces applied to 4 mandibular anterior teeth largely resulted in remarkable labial tipping of the segment according to the miniscrew position. All 6 mandibular anterior teeth were labially tipped and the stress concentrated on the labiogingival area by intrusive force from miniscrews placed mesial to the canine. The distointrusive force vector led to pure intrusion and the stress was evenly distributed in the whole periodontal ligament when the hook was placed between the central and lateral incisors and the miniscrew was placed distal to the canine.
Figures and Tables
Fig. 1
Three dimensional finite element models and coordination system. A, Mandibular 4 anterior teeth model; B, mandibular 6 anterior teeth model. X, bucco-lingual (+) lingual, (-) buccal direction; Y, anterio-posterior (+) anterior, (-) posterior direction; Z, superio-inferior (+) superior, (-) inferior direction.

Fig. 4
Von Mises stress distribution in periodontal ligament of 4 anterior teeth by intrusion force (g/mm2) - Red color means high stress distribution and blue color means low stress distribution.

Fig. 6
Von Mises stress distribution in periodontal ligament of 6 anterior teeth by intrusion force (g/mm2) - Red color means high stress distribution and blue color means low stress distribution.

Fig. 8
Von Mises stress distribution in the periodontal ligament of Condition 2E before A and after B the application of large deflection theory. Red color indicates area of high stress and blue color, area of low stress. The difference is negligible.

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