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Journal List > Korean J Phys Anthropol > v.30(4) > 1039240

Cho and Kim: Utilization of Second Digit to Fourth Digit Ratio (2D: 4D) as One of Physical Markers to Evaluate Aggression in Elementary School Students


The aim of this study is to provide basic data to prevent adolescent crime or violence by analyzing aggression according to second digit to fourth digit ratio (2D: 4D). Index and ring finger length on both hands by photocopy was measured using Callipers from ventral proximal crease to finger tip. This study was done on 187 elementary school students (98 males, 89 females). Data were collected by measuring index and ring finger length on both hands by photocopy and by completing self-reported questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS win 21.0. This study showed that the 2D: 4D of males was significantly lower than female, and the aggression score of males was significantly higher than female. Especially, there was significantly differences between 0.900 or less than 0.900 digit ratio group and 1.000 or more than 1.000 digit ratio group only left hand of males. The results of this study suggest that left digit ratio of males in elementary school students are able to be used as one of physical markers to evaluate aggression.

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Fig. 1.
Aggression differences according to left digit ratio level group in male. There was significantly aggression differences between 0.900 or less than 0.900 digit ratio group and 1.000 or more than 1.000 digit ratio group only left hand of males.
Table 1.
Gender differences according to grade
Grade Male Female Total χ2 p
3 27 33 60 2.530 .470
45.0% 55.0% 100.0%
4 31 25 56
55.4% 44.6% 100.0%
5 23 15 38
60.5% 39.5% 100.0%
6 17 16 33
51.5% 48.5% 100.0%
Total 98 89 187
52.4% 47.6% 100.0%
Table 2.
Digit ratio differences according to gender
Digit ratio Gender N Mean SD t p
Right hand Male 98 0.943 0.037 –2.511 .013
Female 89 0.958 0.044
Left hand Male 98 0.948 0.035 –1.567 .119
Female 89 0.956 0.041
Both hand Male 98 0.945 0.032 –2.254 .025
Female 89 0.957 0.039


Table 3.
Aggression differences according to gender
Aggression Gender N Mean SD t p
Physical aggression Male 98 1.93 0.59 3.891 .000∗∗∗
Female 89 1.62 0.50
Hostility Male 98 1.86 0.81 1.952 .052
Female 89 1.64 0.68
Anger Male 98 2.18 0.90 –0.257 .797
Female 89 2.21 0.94
Total Male 98 1.94 0.59 2.341 .020
Female 89 1.74 0.54


∗∗∗ p<.001

Table 4.
Gender differences according to right and left digit ratio level group
Hand Digit ratio Male Female Total χ2 p
Right ≤0.900 10 8 18 2.212 .331
55.6% 44.4% 100.0%
0.900< 82 70 152
<1.000 53.9% 46.1% 100.0%
1.000≤ 6 11 17
35.3% 64.7% 100.0%
Total 98 89 187
52.4% 47.6% 100.0%
Left ≤0.900 8 7 15 0.839 .657
55.3% 46.7% 100.0%
0.900< 80 69 149
<1.000 53.7% 46.3% 100.0%
1.000≤ 10 13 23
43.5% 56.5% 100.0%
Total 98 89 187
52.4% 47.6% 100.0%
Table 5.
Aggression differences according to right and left digit ratio level group in male
Hand Aggression Digit ratio N Mean SD t p
Right Physical aggression ≤0.900 10 1.94 0.71 2.035 .063
1.000≤ 6 1.32 0.27
Hostility ≤0.900 10 2.31 0.95 0.905 .381
1.000≤ 6 1.79 0.54
Anger ≤0.900 10 2.13 0.70 0.533 .603
1.000≤ 6 1.83 0.45
Total ≤0.900 10 2.03 0.63 1.346 .201
1.000≤ 6 1.55 0.42
Left Physical aggression ≤0.900 8 2.34 0.55 2.469 .025
1.000≤ 10 1.69 0.57
Hostility ≤0.900 8 2.68 0.64 3.396 .004∗∗
1.000≤ 10 1.33 0.42
Anger ≤0.900 8 3.23 0.71 3.775 .002∗∗
1.000≤ 10 1.77 0.89
Total ≤0.900 8 2.51 0.37 3.777 .002∗∗
1.000≤ 10 1.61 0.55


∗∗ p<.01

Table 6.
Aggression differences according to right and left digit ratio level group in female
Hand Aggression Digit ratio N Mean SD t p
Right Physical aggression ≤0.900 8 1.53 0.71 –0.380 .709
1.000≤ 11 1.63 0.43 –0.380 .709
Hostility ≤0.900 8 1.80 0.91 0.871 .396
1.000≤ 11 1.50 0.58 0.871 .396
Anger ≤0.900 8 2.40 1.15 0.885 .389
1.000≤ 11 1.94 0.82 0.885 .389
Total ≤0.900 8 1.78 0.79    
1.000≤ 11 1.66 0.47 0.406 .690
Left Physical aggression ≤0.900 7 1.76 0.72 0.132 .897
1.000≤ 13 1.72 0.55 0.132 .897
Hostility ≤0.900 7 1.79 0.79 0.436 .668
1.000≤ 13 1.63 0.71 0.436 .668
Anger ≤0.900 7 2.24 0.85 0.048 .962
1.000≤ 13 2.22 0.81 0.048 .962
Total ≤0.900 7 1.86 0.78 0.218 .830
1.000≤ 13 1.80 0.54 0.218 .830
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