Journal List > Korean J Phys Anthropol > v.29(3) > 1039217

Jeong and Jantz: Caveats in Using Trotter and Gleser's (1958) Asian Equations for Stature Estimation


Trotter and Gleser's (1958) Asian equations have most frequently been used for stature estimation of Korean skeletal remains. However, limitations or caveats in using those equations have rarely been argued. This study reviews five issues frequently overlooked in applying the equations and interpreting the outcomes.
First, Trotter and Gleser (1958) multiply the standard errors by 2 to obtain the 95% prediction interval (PI). However, there is discrepancy between their calculation and actual PIs, and thus correct method for PI calculation is recommended. Secondly, given the uncertainty about the tibia length measurement, there is a possibility that the tibia-related equations yield biased estimates. Thirdly, since a mathematical error was incorporated in the development process of the combined equations, caution should be taken. Fourthly, extrapolation may cause additional unexpected error in applying regression equations. Therefore, it is necessary to check if a target sample falls within the reference sample range prior to using the equations. Lastly, applying Trotter and Gleser's (1958) equations to female samples should be avoided because they produce highly biased estimates.
The issues discussed in this study will contribute to reducing potential errors associated with application of these equations, and eventually enhancing accuracy of the final stature estimates. If errors are anticipated but unavoidable, discussions about the potential errors should be made to minimize misunderstanding about the outcomes.


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Fig. 1.
(A) tibia maximum length by Trotter and Gleser's [13,19] definition; (B) actual length measured by Trotter and Gleser [13].
Fig. 2.
Exemplified diagram showing the relationship between the regression line where statures are regressed on actual average bone lengths (Line 1) and the regression line representing Trotter and Gleser's [19] combined equation (Line 2).
Fig. 3.
Exemplified diagram showing two variables of a curvilinear relationship. Note that, despite their true relationship, the graph in a boxed range is nearly linear.
Fig. A-1.
Exemplified diagram showing the relationship between two individuals. Individual 1 with a stature Y1 possesses left and right bones of X1L and X2L; Individual 2 with a stature Y2 possesses left and right bones of X2L and X2R.
Table 1.
Bone lengths of the Asian samples in Trotter and Gleser [19].
Bone (side) Asian sample used in Trotter and Gleser [19]
n Mean±S.D. (cm) 95% range (cm)
Humerus (right) 74 31.768±1.857 28.128∼35.408
Humerus (left) 65 31.742±1.836 28.143∼35.341
Radius (right) 68 24.547±1.497 21.613∼27.481
Radius (left) 67 24.303±1.460 21.441∼27.165
Ulna (right) 65 26.251±1.535 23.242∼29.260
Ulna (left) 65 26.126±1.560 23.068∼29.184
Femur (right) 67 44.246±2.479 39.387∼49.105
Femur (left) 60 44.640±2.476 39.787∼49.493
Fibula (right) 61 36.146±2.170 31.893∼40.399
Fibula (left) 62 36.340±2.273 31.885∼40.795
Table 2.
Magnitude of errors by applying Trotter and Gleser's [19] equations to Korean female samples [36].
Error Bone dimension
FeL3 TiL4 FeL + TiL HuL5 RaL6 HuL + RaL
D1 (cm) – 6.5 – 6.7 – 6.3 – 7.8 – 5.2 – 5.6
% PE2 – 4.2 – 4.3 – 4.1 – 5.0 – 3.7 – 3.4

1 Mean difference=mean of [true stature-estimated stature]

2 Percent prediction error=mean of [(True stature-Estimated stature)×100/Estimated stature]

3 Maximum length of the femur

4 Condylo-malleolus length of the tibia

5 Maximum length of the humerus

6 Maximum length of the radius

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