Journal List > J Korean Fract Soc > v.30(3) > 1038094

Cho, Jeong, and Kim: Posterior Dual Plating for Distal Shaft Fractures of the Humerus



To evaluate the results and efficacy of posterior dual plating for distal shaft fractures of the humerus.

Materials and Methods

We retrospectively analyzed 12 patients, who underwent open reduction and internal fixation using posterior dual plating for distal shaft fractures of the humerus, between July 2007 and July 2015, with at least 6 months of follow-up. After locating the radial nerve without dissection via posterior triceps splitting, the fracture was stabilized using a short 3.5 mm locking compression plate. Then additional fixation, using a long 3.5 mm locking compression plate, was performed. The clinical outcomes were assessed in accordance with the Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI) scoring system, and the radiological outcomes were assessed using serial plain radiographs.


Eleven patients (91.7%) had bony union, and the mean union period was 13.9 weeks. In one patient, delayed union was treated by autogenous iliac bone graft at 8 months after surgery, which resulted in bony union. The mean MEPI score was 95.8, and the clinical outcomes were excellent in 9 patients and good in 3 patients. Postoperative complications included 1 elbow stiffness by heterotopic ossification and 1 temporary radial nerve palsy. One patient with temporary radial nerve palsy was completely recovered within the first 4 days after surgery.


Posterior dual plating for distal shaft fractures of the humerus revealed satisfactory clinical and radiological outcomes. It can be a useful alternative to provide stable fixation without the need for a dissection of the radial nerve.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Preoperative drawing on an anteroposterior plain radiograph.

Fig. 2

(A) Radiographs at the time of initial trauma show spiral distal shaft fracture of the left humerus. (B) Postoperative radiographs show anatomical reduction and stable fixation using posterior dual plating. (C) Radiographs at 10 weeks after surgery show bony union.

Fig. 3

(A) Radiographs at the time of initial trauma show transverse distal shaft fracture of the left humerus. (B) Postoperative radiographs show posterior dual plating. (C) Radiographs at 8 months after the surgery show delayed union. (D) Radiographs at the final follow-up show bony union.

Table 1

Demographic and Clinical Data

Case No. Age (yr) Sex Injury mechanism OTA classification Union (wk) Followup (mo) Elbow ROM (°) MEPI score Clinical outcome Complication
1 26 M TA 12-A3 9 89 5-140 100 Excellent -
2 21 F TA 12-A3 48 87 0-140 100 Excellent Delayed union
3 40 F TA 12-B1 14 69 10-140 85 Good -
4 20 M Arm wrestling 12-C1 7 18 0-140 100 Excellent -
5 24 M Traction 12-A1 12 16 0-140 100 Excellent -
6 25 M Arm wrestling 12-A1 10 16 0-140 100 Excellent -
7 26 M Pitching 12-A1 12 15 0-140 85 Good Temporary radial nerve palsy
8 81 F TA 12-A1 16 12 10-130 100 Excellent -
9 23 F Slip down 12-C1 16 51 0-130 100 Excellent -
10 75 F TA 12-A2 21 84 40-110 80 Good Elbow stiffness
11 63 F Slip down 12-B1 16 7 0-140 100 Excellent -
12 29 M Slip down 12-A3 20 20 0-140 100 Excellent -

OTA: Orthopaedic Trauma Association, ROM: range of motion, MEPI: Mayo Elbow Performance Index, M: male, F: female, TA: traffic accident.


Financial support None.

Conflict of interests None.


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Chul-Hyun Cho

Beom-Soo Kim

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