Journal List > J Korean Fract Soc > v.28(1) > 1038053

Lee and Lee: Diagnosis and Management of Acute Compartment Syndrome

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Technique of Whitesides et al. for determination of tissue pressure. Tissue pressure is measured using an arterial line manometer and three-way stopcock apparatus.9)

Fig. 2

Technique of monitoring compartment pressures using a wick catheter.

Fig. 3

Algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of acute compartment syndrome of the lower leg after tibial fracture.46)

Fig. 4

A cross section of the thigh showing the three compartments. The arrows show the approach for three compartment fasciotomy.9) A: Anterior, Ad: Adductor, P: Posterior.

Fig. 5

A cross section of the leg showing the four compartments. The arrows show the routes for double incision of four compartment fasciotomy to decompress the compartment syndrome.9) A: Anterior compartment, DP: Deep posterior compartment, L: Lateral compartment, SP: Superficial posterior compartment.

Fig. 6

Delayed primary closure after lateral single fasciotomy of the leg with vessel loop shoelace technique at preoperative (A) and postoperative 2 days (B), 6 days (C), and 10 days (D).

Fig. 7

A 47-year-old male patient with a tibiofibular shaft fracture (A) showed a severe swelling around the lower leg (B). Double incision fasciotomy by anterolateral (C) and posteromedial (D) approach was performed with temporary external fixation (E).

Table 1

Causes Associated with Trauma Causing Acute Compartment Syndrome9)

Table 2

Conditions Causing Acute Compartment Syndrome9)

Table 3

Compartments, Contents, and Clinical Signs of Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Leg9)



Financial support: None.

Conflict of interest: None.


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