Journal List > J Korean Fract Soc > v.22(2) > 1037689

Oh: Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis of Subtrochanteric Femoral Fractures

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
(A) A 54 year-old man had a comminuted subtrochanteric femur.
(B) The surgical darping was done for both legs to have a better evaluation of postoperative alignment.
(C) After the insertion of a flexible nail from the distal segment, a preliminary reduction was achieved.
(D, E) Then, half-pins were fixed on the anterior aspect of proximal and distal segments, with assembling with an external
fixator. A LCP-DF was inserted through the proximal submuscular tunnel.
(F, G, H) A butterfly fragment was fixed with a lag screw by the help of collinear clamp.
(I, J) Satisfactory alignment was achieved postoperatively and a bridging callus was seen at 6 months postoperatively.
Fig. 2
(A) A 34 year-old woman with a comminuted subtrochanteric femur.
(B) Initially, the proximal segment was internally rotated with the help of half-pin.
(C) This makes a better idea to have a preliminary reduction. The flexible nail technique was used.
(D) A locking plate was inserted through the proximal submuscular tunnel (arrow).
(E, F, G) A fine tuning of remained displacement was done by pulling the distal segment with a half-pin (arrows).
(H, I) Postoperatively, satisfactory alignment was achieved without touching the middle fragment.
(J) A successful union with a good bridging callus at 8 months postoperatively.
Fig. 3
(A) A 40 year-old man with a spiral fracture of subtrochanteric femur.
(B) The patient had multiple rib fractures with lung contusion, which made the choice of plating rather than nailing. Colinear
clamp made a successful reduction, (C, D) followed by the percutaneous lag screws.
(E) After insertion of a locking plate through the submuscular tunnel, (F, G) screws were fixed percutaneouosly.
(H) Postoperatively, good alignment was achieved.
(I, J, K, L) Union occurred at 6 months postoperatively, with a good functional outcome.


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