Journal List > J Korean Fract Soc > v.20(3) > 1037599

Lee: Ankle Syndesmotic Injury

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Ankle stabilizing structures are medial malleolus and deltoid ligament (1), lateral malleolus and lateral ligament complex (2), anterior syndesmosis and its bony attatchment (3) and posterior syndesmosis and its bony attatchment (4) (Adapted from Tile M. The rationale of operative fracture care, 2nd ed. New York, Springer: 523-561, 2007.).

Fig. 2

Anterior, posterior, and lateral views of select ligaments of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis: the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL); the posterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), of which the inferior transverse ligament (ITL) is part; and the interosseous ligament (IOL), which represents the thickened distal part of the interosseous membrane. The arrows indicate the respective location and point to the cross-sectional view (Adapted from Browner B, Jupiter J, Levine A, eds. Skeletal trauma: fractures, dislocations, and ligamentous injuries, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1997.).

Fig. 3

Sqeeze test is performed by compressing fibula to tibia above midpoint of calf. Test is considered positive if proximal compression produces distal pain in interosseous ligaments or supporting structures (Adapted from Coughlin MJ, Mann RA, Saltzman CL. Surgery of the foot and ankle, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007.).

Fig. 4

External rotation test is performed by applying external rotation stress to involved foot and ankle while knee is held in 90 degrees of flexion and ankle is in neutral position. Positive test produces pain over anterior or posterior tibiofibular ligaments and over interosseous membrane (Adapted from Coughlin MJ, Mann RA, Saltzman CL. Surgery of the foot and ankle, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007.).

Fig. 5

Normal syndesmotic relationships include a tibiofibular clear space (distance A-B) <6 mm in both the anteroposterior and mortise views, as well as a tibiofibular overlap (distance B-C) >6 mm or >42% of the width of the fibula on the anteroposterior view, or >1 mm on the mortise view. The overlap is measured 1 cm proximal to the plafond (Adapted from Coughlin MJ, Mann RA, Saltzman CL. Surgery of the foot and ankle, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007.).

Fig. 6

A 23-year-old man slipped and sustained a fracture of the ankle.

(A) The initial mortise radiograph shows unstable supination-external rotation stage IV ankle fracture with the widening of medial clear space and increased tibiofibular clear space.
(B) The photograph of a medial side of the ankle demonstrates ecchymosis and swelling.
(C) Arthroscopic view of medial gutter of the ankle shows tear of the deltoid ligament as seen from the anteromedial portal. Arthroscopic debridement and shrinkage with radiofrequency were performed.
(D) Arthroscopic view of the ankle syndesmosis shows diastasis which increased distal tibiofibular joint with arthroscopic shaver.
(E) Arthroscopic view shows syndesmotic reduction as seen from the anterolateral portal.
(F) Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph shows open reduction and internal fixation of fibula as well as syndesmotic stabilization with two 3.5 mm screws engaging four cortices.
Fig. 7

A 54-year-old woman sustained an inversion injury of ankle.

(A) Anteroposterior radiograph shows pronation-abduction stage III ankle fracture.
(B) Lateral radiograph shows posterior malleolar fracture.
(C) Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph shows accurate anatomical reduction and fixation of fracture. Syndesmotic transfixation screws were unnecessary because intraoperative evidence of syndesmotic disastasis is absent after fixation.
Fig. 8

(A) Anteroposterior radiograph demonstrates Weber type B supination-external rotation ankle fracture associated with disruption of the syndesmosis.

(B) Syndesmosis fixation with a single 4.5 mm screw was performed (Adapted from Zalavras C, Thordarson D: Ankle syndesmotic injury. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, 15:330-339, 2007.).
Fig. 9

(A) Anteroposterior and lateral radiograph show the proximal fibula fracture (Maissonneuve) that was not stabilized.

(B) Syndesmosis fixation with two 4.5 mm screws was performed (Adapted from Zalavras C, Thordarson D: Ankle syndesmotic injury. J Am Acad Orthop Surg, 15:330-339, 2007.).
Fig. 10

A 48-year-old man slipped and sustained a fracture of the ankle.

(A) Anteroposterior radiograph shows unstable pronation-external rotation stage IV ankle fracture with widening of medial clear space and increased tibiofibular clear space.
(B) Lateral radiograph demonstrates posterior malleolar fracture.
(C) Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph shows open reduction and internal fixation of fibula as well as syndesmotic stabilization with two 3.5 mm screws.
Fig. 11

Proper placement of a syndesmotic screw.

(A) Incorrect angle for insertion of syndesmotic transfixation screw.
(B) In the transverse plane, the screw should follow a 30 degrees oblique direction from posterolateral to anteromedial.
(C) The fibula should be held reduced during screw placement. The screw may be inserted through a fibular plate or outside of the plate (From Heim U, Pfeiffer KM: Small fragment set manual: Technique recommended by the ASIF group, 2nd ed. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1975.).


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