To evaluate the usefulness of internal fixation with modified Steinmann pins and tension band wiring technique in comminuted proximal humeral fracture with osteoporosis and the correlations among bone mineral density, age, Neer's score and period of union.
Materials and Methods
Twelve cases of comminuted proximal humeral fracture with osteoporosis were surgically treated with modified Steinmann pins and tension band technique, and followed up for an average 20.8 months (range, 6~39 months). Average age was 73.6 years old (range, 59~85 years old). Results were assessed using Neer's evaluation criteria.
Excellent results were noted in eight cases and satisfactory results in four cases. Radiological union was obtained in all cases. Two cases showed impingement syndrome of the proximal portions of Steinmann pins, which were managed by early removal of the metal. One case developed operative wound infection, which were managed by antibiotics therapy, irrigation and secondary closure.
Figures and Tables
Fig. 1
(A) Modified steinmann pins have different sizes. (B) Modified steinmann pin has proximal two holes.

Fig. 2
(A) Initial radiograph shows a surgical neck fracture of the proximal humerus, eighty five-year-old woman. (B) Postoperative radiograph shows intramedullary fixation with two modified Steinmann pins and one tension band wiring.

Fig. 3
(A) Initial radiograph shows a 3 part fracture of the proximal humerus sixty eight-year-old woman. (B) Postoperative radiograph shows intramedullary fixation with two modified Steinmann pins and two tension band wirings.

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