Journal List > J Korean Fract Soc > v.17(2) > 1037322

Ha and Sun: The Treatment of Patellar Fracture with Modified Tension Band Wiring, using Cannulated Screws


PURPOSE: We have followed up the patients of the patellar fracture who had been treated with modified tension band wiring using cannulated screws. Since we have seen excellent clinical results, we would like to show the practical use of this operative method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed the operation time, the time elapsed for union, and complications of 9 cases of the patellar fracture who were treated with this operative method at our hospital recently. RESULTS: Mean operation time (from the incision to the skin suture) was 68.3 min (40~120 min) and mean time elapsed for union was 9.7 weeks (8~12 wks). Mean time for full range of motion was 1 week in 5 cases of transverse fracture, 3 weeks (2~4 wks) in 3 cases of comminuted fracture. We found no complications like limitation of range of motion of the knee, loss of the reduction, irritation and migration of the hardware, and infection. CONCLUSION: This surgical technique provides stable fixation, allowes early motion excercise by minimizing injury to extensor mechanism and accompanies reduced rate of complications such as loss of the reduction, irritation or displacement of the hardware

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