This study was done to identify factors that affect sexual permissiveness in college students.
A descriptive design was used with 380 college students who completed a questionnaire about self-esteem, parents-adolescent communication, friend's sexual attitude and sexual permissiveness.
The sexual permissiveness showed significant differences for the variable: grade (F=0.51, p=.002), gender (t=7.28, p<.001), age (F=14.72, p<.001), religion (t=4.97, p<.001), residence type (F=4.75, p=.009), number of call with parents (F=3.56, p=.030), number of viewing pornographic video (F=36.05, p<.001), number of viewing pornographic magazine (F= 47.90, p<.001), status of dating (t=3.62, p<.001), number of sexual intercourse (F=14.51, p<.001), and experience of sexual intercourse (t=13.00, p<.001). There was a positive correlation between the friend's sexual attitude and sexual permissiveness (r=.64, p<.001). The variables such as friend's sexual attitude, experience of sexual intercourse, the number of watching pornographic video, educational system, religion, and the number of calls with parent explained 52% of the variance in sexual permissiveness.
Figures and Tables
Table 5
Note. Friend's sexual attitude (total score), Experience of sexual intercourse (No=0, Yes=1), Number of watching pornographic video (0=1, 1~10=2, 11~20=3, 21~30=4,≥31=5), Educational system (2·3 years educational system=3, 4 years educational system=4), Religion (Yes=1, No=2), Number of call with parents (1~2 times/week=1, 3~4 times/week=2,≥5 times/week=3).
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