Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.17(4) > 1037290

Bae, Park, and Oh: A Comparison of the Health Status and Health Promoting Behaviors between Type D Personality and Non-Type D Personality in Middle aged Women



The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of type D personality on health status and health promoting behaviors in middle-aged women.


A cross-sectional study design was used with 220 middle aged women. All participants completed 3 measuring tools: a 14-item Type D Personality Scale, a 12-item Short Form Health Survey Questionnaire version 2, and Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile-version II. All were completed in November 2010.


The prevalence of type D personality was 34.5%. Type D women had significantly lower physical (p=.020) and mental health status (p<.001) compared with non-type D women. In addition Type D women reported significantly poorer performance of health responsibility (p=.015), physical activity (p=.001), nutrition (p=.027), spiritual growth (p<.001), interpersonal relations (p<.001) and stress management (p<.001) techniques in health behaviors than non-type D women.


Type D personality is a vulnerability factor that affects health status and is associated with poor health promoting behaviors in middle aged women. Therefore, screening for Type D personality is important to detect women at risk for health status and quality of life in community settings in Korea.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Sociodemographic and Health-related Characteristics of Participants

Body mass index classified according to World Health Organization Western Pacific Region, International Association for the Study of Obesity, & International Obesity Task Force (2000).

Table 2
Scoring of DS-14 Scales and Classification of Type D Personality

DS14=Type D Personality scale; M=mean; NA=negative affectivity; SD=standard deviation; SI=social inhibition.

Both NA and SI scores are higher than 10; Scores either (NA<10 & SI≥10) or (NA≥10 & SI<10) or (NA<10 & SI<10).

Table 3
Differences in Health Status and Health Promoting Behaviors between Type D and Non-Type D Personality

M=mean; SD=standard deviation; SE=standard error of the mean.

p-value of multivariate analysis of covariance with Diabetes mellitus as a covariate.


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