Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.15(3) > 1037198

Kim: Structural Equation Modeling on Personal Satisfaction with Life in Grandmothers Parenting Grandchildren



This studywas designedto construct andtest astructural equation model for life satisfaction in grandmothers who were parenting grandchildren


Grandmothers assuming part-time parenting responsibilities for grandchildren were recruited in four cities in South Korea. Theywere asked to complete a questionnaire through face to face interviews or self reports, and 248 data units were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling.


Model fit indices for the final model revealeda fit at anexcellent level, andall of the 12 paths were statistically significant explaining 51% of the variance. Predictors of life satisfaction in the final model were parenting efficacy, perceived health status, parenting stress, amount of parenting, and demographic factors. The new findings of this study were as follows: First, the satisfaction with life of part-time parenting grandmothers was less than that of non-parenting grandmothers. Second, parenting stress and parenting efficacy revealed determinants to life satisfaction. Third, motivation of parenting and amount of parenting affect both parenting stress and parenting efficacy.


The value of parenting and the grandmother-adult children relationship quality should also be considered in developing a grandmothers' educational program, because these are the factors which strengthen parenting efficacy and alleviate parenting stress.


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Figure 1.
Theoretical framework of the study.
Figure 2.
Path diagram for the hypothetical model.
Figure 3.
Path diagram for the modified model.
Table 1.
Comparison of model fit between the hypothetical model and the modified model
Fit index x2 df p RMSEA GFI TLI CFI Normed x2 PCFI
Hypothetical model 60.39 40 .02 .04 .97 .95 .97 1.51 .50
Modified model 55.14 46 .17 .03 .97 .98 .99 1.20 .58

RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; GFI, goodness of fit index; TLI, turker lewis index; CFI, comparative fit index; PCFI, Parsimonious comparative fit index.

Table 2.
Regression weights for the modified model
Endogenous variables Exogenous variables RW SE SRW CR SMC
Parenting stress Perceived health status -1.91 0.37 -0.37** -5.18 0.68
Demographic characteristics -1.77 0.84 -0.17* -2.12
Motivation of parenting -2.91 0.48 -0.67** -6.05
Amount of parenting 0.30 0.14 0.19* 2.17
Perceived help from family -1.42 0.61 -0.16* -2.32
Parenting efficacy Motivation of parenting 1.79 0.28 0.65** 6.37 0.55
Amount of parenting 0.15 0.09 0.16* 1.77
Life satisfaction Perceived health status 1.80 0.45 0.32** 4.04 0.51
Demographic characteristics 1.54 0.82 0.14* 1.88
Amount of parenting -0.36 0.12 -0.22** -2.93
Parenting stress -0.28 0.10 -0.26** -2.78
Parenting efficacy 0.68 0.15 0.40** 4.42

* p<.05 (|t| >1.645),

** p<.01 (|t| >2.33) (one-tailed significance).

RW, regression weights; SE, standard error; CR, critical ratio; SMC, squared multiple correlation; SRW, standardized regression weights.

Table 3.
Effect decomposition for the modified model
Endogenous variables Exogenous variables SDE SIE STE
Parenting stress Perceived health status -0.37 -0.37
Demographic characteristics -0.17 -0.17
Motivation of parenting -0.67 -0.67
Amount of parenting 0.19 0.19
Perceived help from family -0.16 -0.16
Parenting efficacy Motivation of parenting 0.65 0.65
Amount of parenting 0.16 0.16
Life satisfaction Parenting stress -0.26* -0.26*
Parenting efficacy 0.40** 0.40**
Perceived health status 0.32** 0.10* 0.42**
Demographic characteristics 0.14* 0.05* 0.19*
Perceived help from family 0.04* 0.04*
Amount of parenting -0.22* 0.01 -0.21**
Motivation of parenting 0.43** 0.43**

* p<.05 (|t|>1.645),

** p<.01 (|t|>2.33) (one-tailed significance).

SDE, standardized direct effect; STE, standardized total effect; SIE, standardized indirect effect.

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