Journal List > J Korean Gastric Cancer Assoc > v.5(3) > 1036995

Song, Cho, Kim, Park, Kim, Nam, Lee, Yoo, Lee, and Park: Expression Pattern of KLF4 in Korean Gastric Cancers



KLF4, a member of the KLF family, is a zinc finger tumor suppressor protein that is critical for gastric epithelial homeostasis. Our aim was to determine whether the altered expression of KLF4 might be associated with gastric cancer development and, if so, to determine to which pathologic parameter it is linked.

Materials and Methods

For the construction of the gastric cancer tissue microarray, 84 paraffin-embedded tissues containing gastric cancer areas were cored 3 times and transferred to the recipient master block. The expression pattern of KLF4 was examined on tissue microarray slides by using immunohistochemistry and was compared with pathologic parameters, including histologic type, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, and peritoneal dissemination.


The KLF4 protein was expressed in cytoplasm and nucleus of superficial and foveolar epithelial cells in the normal gastric mucosa. We found markedly reduced or loss of KLF4 expression in 43 (51.2%) of the 84 gastric cancer tissues. There was no significant correlation between KLF4 expression and pathologic parameters, including histologic type, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis and peritoneal dissemination.


Our findings suggest that altered expression of KLF4 may contribute to abnormal regulation of gastrointestinal epithelial cell growth and differentiation and to the development of Korean gastric cancer, as an early event.


Won Sang Park

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