Journal List > J Korean Soc Spine Surg > v.8(3) > 1035959

Chang and Lee: Natural History and Clinical Manifestations of Lumbar Disc Herniatio


The patient of lumbar disc herniation complains low back pain and sciatica. The intervertebral disc was degenerated by aging, the lifetime incidence of low back pain ranges from 80 to 90%, as determined by epidemiologic studies, whereas the incidence of sciatica is only 2~40%. This article was made with review of the natural history, clinical manifestations and physical examinations of lumbar disc herniation. In conclusion, a careful history and physical examination remain the key to accurate diagnosis of the cause of low back pain and /or sciatica, and very helpful adjuncts to make a diagnosis of lumbar disc herniations.


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Figures and Tables%

Fig. 1.
Root compression according to type of herniated disc Fig. 1-A. Posterior herniated disc Fig. 1-B. Extraforaminal herniated disc
Fig. 2-A.
Herniated disc lateral to the nerve root. This usually produces a sciatic list away from the side of irritated nerve root. Fig. 2-B. Herniated disc medial to the nerve root and in an axillary position. This may produce a sciatic list toward the side of irritated nerve root.
Fig. 3.
The dynamics of SLR : Observations on straight leg raising, with special reference to nerve root adhesion.
Fig. 4.
Movement of nerve roots when the leg on the opposite side is raised. Fig. 4-A. When the leg is raised on the unaffected side, the roots on the opposite side slide slightly downward and toward the midline. Fig. 4-B. In the presence of a disc lesion, particularly in an axillary locatin, this movement. Fig. 4-C. Increases the root tension.
Table 1.
neurologic test according to location of herniated disc
nerve root L4 L5 S1
uscle weakness knee extension ankle extension(big toe extensor) ankle flexion(big toe flexion)
sensory loss medial of knee dorsum of foot lateral of leg lateral of foot(posterior of leg)
reduced DTR knee ankle
Table 2.
sensory test
nerve root sensory distribution
S1 lateral of foot, posterior and lateral of leg posterior of thigh
L5 dorsum of foot and central 2/3, volar aspect of foot lateral of 1st toe, lateral of anterior shin, lateral of thigh
L4 lateral of foot, medial of anterior shin
L3 central 1/3 of anterolateral thigh
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