Scoliosis is the most common deformity of the spine in neurofibromatosis patient, but kyphosis of the cervical spine has rarely been reported. Most authors have reported anterior corpectomy and multilevel interbody grafting & plate osteosynthesis, combined with posterior arthrodesis, as the treatment of cervical kyphosis in neurofibromatosis. A case is presented of a 17- year-old boy with neurofibromatosis Who had 52 degrees of dystrophic kyphosis (as measured on radiographs between C3 and C7) of the cervical spine. He was treated successfully by anterior multilevel interbody grafting using an autogenous iliac bone graft. A nterior corpectomy and arthrodesis appears to provide another surgical option with a moderate degree of cervical kyphosis.
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6). Takashi A, Masaakki Y, Koichi N, Masatoshi A, Mitsu-ru O, Kyosuke F. Spinal fusion using a vascularized fIbu -lar bone graft for a patient with cervical kyphosis Due to Neurofibromatosis. J Spinal Disord. 1997; 10:537–540.