The Korean law on medicine was amended in 2003 to introduce new provisions for telemedicine, electronic medical record, and electronic prescription. However, this has not satisfied the realities of the increased demand on medical services and related technology development, resulting in calls for a legislative amendment. In this regard, recent active promotion projects and the advance notice proposing a new amendment by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs have raised the need for active discussions on telemedicine because the current law on medicine and its amendment do not adequately address the individual privacy protection aspect in the telemedicine environment. In this regard, this study examines current domestic and foreign legal systems on telemedicine and privacy protection, drawing and reviewing subjects to be discussed for individual privacy protection in telemedicine, and proposes plans that may improve Korea's legal system. The domestic and foreign literature on telemedicine and privacy protection was reviewed, recent legislations on telemedicine and views of interest groups were considered, and expert opinions were collected. In addition, the main discussions on privacy protection in telemedicine were identified and reviewed, including information ownership, the scope of privacy protection, the right to review and request correction, and privacy protection matters related to foreign patients. The recent amendment to tele medicine contains a provision only on penalties for privacy protection violations. The main discussions in this study on privacy protection are expected to be reflected in future amendments to enforcement rules and sub-ordinances such as the enforcement ordinance.
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