Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.56(1) > 1034986

Kim, Jeong, Kim, Fang, Kim, and Choi: Application of digital implant system on implant treatment with “all-on-4” concept


Recently, digital implant systems are expanding its influence in dental area. Due to technical improvement, they jumped over their limits nowadays. We can use these newest systems to treat edentulous patient, from implant surgery to fabrication of prosthesis. In this case, The patient was a fifty years old female. She had a full edentulous ridge on mandible and wanted to reconstruct occlusion with using implants. We planned to use digital implant system with “all-on-4” concept on mandible and produced surgical guide for flapless implant surgery. After the surgery, we tried to fabricate full arch prosthesis just using a digital devices and confirmed satisfying result.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Pre-operative panoramic radiograph.

Fig. 2

Scan of existing denture. (A) Radiolucent resin marker on the old denture, (B) 3D scan image.

Fig. 3

3D Image of mandible. (A) Denture biting image, (B) Deletion of denture image, (C) Final mandibular Image.

Fig. 4

Positioning of implants. (A) Merged image, (B) Deletion of bone image.

Fig. 5

Pre-operative preparations. (A) Surgical guide, (B) Temporary abutments and temporary restoration.

Fig. 6

Flapless implant surgery. (A) Surgical guide, (B) Positioning of the implant, (C) Connection of the abutments, (D) Cementation of the temporary restoration.

Fig. 7

3D image for final prosthesis. (A) Resin marker on gingiva, (B) Scan body, (C) Final image.

Fig. 8

Fabrication of framework. (A) 3D image, (B) Milled metal framework.

Fig. 9

Final prosthesis. (A) Zirconia shell image, (B) Resin model, (C) Frontal view, (D) Occlusal view.

Fig. 10

After treatment. (A) Intraoral photo, (B) Panoramic radiograph.



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Seung-Mi Jeong

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