Prosthetic decision-making is complex because of various factors, and involves a combination of the individual dentist's interpretation of the objective clinical data and his or her interaction with the patient. Increasing therapeutic options and emerging outcome data demand the constant re-evaluation of our decision-making process. In this case, fixed prosthetic restorations were selected as a treatment method to reconstruct the occlusal plane of a patient with disharmonious occlusal plane. And the occlusal plane was re-established by establishing a treatment plan through diagnostic wax-up. Provisional restorations obtained by continuous re-evaluation for a sufficient period of time was replicated to definitive restorations using CAD/CAM technology. The results were satisfactory when they were observed through clinical follow-up for 3 months after the end of treatment. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2017;55:444-50)
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