Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.55(3) > 1034936

Yang, Kim, and Kim: Eight-year follow-up of two different removable prostheses using six implants in maxillary edentulous patients


An implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis (ISFDP) or an implant-supported overdenture (IOD) are good options when treating a completely edentulous jaw opposing natural teeth. However, an ISFDP for a full arch requires sufficient bone quality and quantity, which limits its application. Meanwhile, using an ISFDP as an abutment of a removable partial denture has been considered recently. This clinical report discusses the treatments applied to two patients with edentulous maxillas and opposing natural teeth: one was treated with an IOD and the other was treated with an ISFDP and removable partial denture. Follow-up and management were performed for 8 years.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Panoramic radiographs and clinical photograph of case 1. (Implant overdenture) (A) Initial panoramic radiograph, (B) Panoramic radiograph when the implants were placed, (C) Panoramic radiograph when the definitive prosthesis was delivered, (D) Intraoral view of a definitive prosthesis on the day of placement.

Fig. 2

Prosthetic complications in case 1. (Implant overdenture) (A) Resin teeth fracture after 1 year and 7 months, (B) Resin teeth fracture after 3 years and 11 months, (C, D) Framework fracture after 8 years and 5 months.

Fig. 3

Panoramic radiographs and clinical photograph of case 2. (Removable partial denture with implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis) (A) Initial panoramic radiograph, (B) Panoramic radiograph at implant placement, (C) Panoramic radiograph when the definitive prosthesis delivered, (D) Intraoral view of the definitive prosthesis on the day of placement, (E) Intraoral view of the definitive prosthesis after 8 years of delivery.



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Jee-Hwan Kim

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