Edentulous patients with severe alveolar bone resorption have trouble with using traditional complete denture. In order to overcome these problems, implant-retained overdenture was developed. SFI-bar® system can save time and cost compared to other existing bar systems which need complicated laboratory procedures because it can be adjusted directly in a patient's mouth. A 55-year-old male, who had experienced a fractured lower old implant-retained overdenture, wanted a durable and painless denture. The fractured Locator® attachments were removed and edentulous mandible was restored with SFI-bar®. A 77-year-old female with a medical history of the Parkinson's disease and severely absorbed alveolar bone of mandible, wanted to wear a retentive mandibular denture without pain. After placing two implants in front of mental foramen, two adaptors were connected to two implants and a tube bar was connected to the adaptors. A female part fitted to the bar was attached to the new denture. These clinical reports describe two-implant-retained overdenture using the SFI-bar® system in mandibular edentulous patients. Since the patients were satisfied esthetically and functionally during 2 years' observation, we would like to report cases. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2016;54:41-8)
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