Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.54(3) > 1034880

Park, Kim, Kim, Song, and Seo: Mandibular implant-supported overdenture using CAD-CAM Konus type attachment: A case report


In edentulous mandible, implant supported overdenture was considered as a first treatment option. Konus type attachment supplies rigid support and cross arch stabilization so that more favorable force transmission and distribution can be attained. In the dentistry, computer aided design-computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system makes it possible to fabricate restorations with high precision and effectiveness. Recently, Palladium-silver (Pd-Ag) alloy which is millable has been developed. This article presents that application of CAD-CAM Konus type attachment can be provide satisfactory stability and function on four-implant supported mandibular overdenture. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2016;54:259-66)


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Fig. 1.
Panoramic radiograph at first visit.
Fig. 2.
Clinical photo after extraction and diagnostic mounting. (A) Maxillary occlusal view, (B) Mandibular occlusal view, (C) Evaluation of interocclusal space.
Fig. 3.
Implantation. (A) Implantation and guided bone regeneration, (B) Panoramic radiograph after implantation.
Fig. 4.
2nd surgery and free gingiva graft. (A) Maxillary occlusal view, (B) Mandibular occlusal view.
Fig. 5.
Final impression on mandible. (A) Individual tray, (B) Connection of pick-up type impression copings, (C) Final impression taking.
Fig. 6.
Konus type attachment was manufactured with CAD-CAM system. (A) Implant abutment, inner crown and outer crown, (B) Implant abutment design, (C) Inner crown design, (D) Outer crown design.
Fig. 7.
CAD-CAM Konus type attachment check and try-in. (A) Attachment space re-evaluation with putty index, (B) Implant abutment and inner crown connection to the implant.
Fig. 8.
Metal framework check and pick up impression. (A) Pick-up impression taking of outer crown, (B) Outer crown and metal framework connection using laser welding, (C) Metal framework try-in.
Fig. 9.
Esthetics and function were restored with the definitive prosthesis. (A) Right lateral view, (B) Frontal view, (C) Left lateral view, (D) Maxillary occlusal view, (E) Mandibular occlusal view, (F) Inner surface of mandibular implant overdenture, (G) Periapical radiographic view after 6 months in use.
Fig. 10.
Retention force measurement of computer aided design-computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) Konus type attachment.
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