Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.54(1) > 1034872

Park, Kim, Kwon, Woo, and Pae: Prosthetic restoration of a partially edentulous patient using double crowns: a clinical report


In removable dental prostheses, it is important to minimize impairment of residual tissue caused by wearing dentures. There are two factors that harm residual tissue. The first is functional load bearing of remaining teeth and alveolar ridges and the second is the effect of poor oral hygiene. Double crown retained removable dental prostheses provide rigid support, and it may reduce impairment caused by load bearing of alveolar ridges. Also, dental plaque and oral deposits, which are attached to outer crowns and dentures, can be easily managed extra-orally. In addition, it is beneficial to the health of the marginal gingiva because inner crowns have easy access for oral hygiene. In this case, double crown retained removable dental prostheses were used for the partially edentulous patient with severe residual alveolar bone resorption and poor oral hygiene, and the result was clinically satisfactory in terms of functional, esthetical, and oral hygiene aspects. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2016;54:21-7)


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Fig. 1.
Initial intra-oral view.
Fig. 2.
Initial panoramic radiograph.
Fig. 3.
Teeth preparation with putty index. (A) Maxillary teeth preparation, (B, C) Mandibular teeth preparation.
Fig. 4.
Interim prostheses delivery.
Fig. 5.
Transcranial radiograph of left temporomandibular joint. (A) At first visit, (B) 10 weeks after interim prostheses delivery.
Fig. 6.
Jaw relation record with interim prostheses using pattern resin.
Fig. 7.
Retention force measurement of double crown. (A) Steel wire fixed in position in pattern resin filled into inner crown, (B) The retention force was measured using digital force gauge.
Fig. 8.
Inner crown and outer crown try-in. (A) Maxillary inner crown try-in, (B) Maxillary outer crown try-in. Cut and soldering performed on mesial side of left maxillary canine (arrow), (C) Mandibular inner crown try-in, (D) Mandibular outer crown try-in.
Fig. 9.
Clinical remounting. (A) Group function guidance, (B) Canine guidance.
Fig. 10.
Final occlusal adjustment. (A) Maxillary definitive prosthesis, (B) Mandibular definitive prosthesis.
Fig. 11.
Tooth brush instruction.
Fig. 12.
6 month follow-up. (A) Intra-oral view, (B) Panoramic radiograph.
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