This study is aimed to assess changes of stress distribution dependent on different connection lengths and placement of the fixture top relative to the ridge crest.
Materials and methods
The internal-conical connection implant which has a hexagonal anti-rotation index was used for FEM analysis on stress distribution in accordance with connection length of fixture-abutment. Different connection lengths of 2.5 mm, 3.5 mm, and 4.5 mm were designed respectively with the top of the fixture flush with residual ridge crest level, or 2 mm above. Therefore, a total of 6 models were made for the FEM analysis. The load was 170 N and 30-degree tilted.
In all cases, the maximum von Mises stress was located adjacent to the top portion of the fixture and ridge crest in the bone. The longer the connection length was, the lower the maximum von Mises stress was in the fixture, abutment, screw and bone. The reduction rate of the maximum von Mises stress depending on increased connection length was greater in the case of the fixture top at 2 mm above the ridge crest versus flush with the ridge crest.
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