The treatment of areas demanding esthetic requirements, such as maxillary anterior teeth, should take into account the achievement of a healthy, harmonious to the surrounding tissue, and an attractive smile line. In this case report, smile line, soft tissue and hard tissue morphology, and the anatomy and proportion of the tooth, must be considered. In patients with unesthetic maxillary anterior ratio due to inadequate gingival contour and diastema caused by peg lateralis, it would be challenging to achieve an esthetic restoration by orthodontic treatment alone. In such case, after orthodontic treatment, dento-gingivo-facial compositional diagnosis and analysis, followed by gingivectomy and prosthodontic restoration is needed to improve the interdental mesial/distal, width/length ratio to achieve a satisfactory esthetic result. In addition, when improving the tooth proportion of peg lateralis by prosthodontic treatment, Porcelain laminate veneer (PLV), which results in less tooth structure loss, reproduction of similar shade to that of the proximal tooth and high transparency, is recommended. This case report demonstrates esthetic improvements by prosthodontic restoration through systematic diagnosis and treatment procedure in patients with unesthetic maxillary anterior proportion after orthodontic treatment due to peg lateralis by means of two female patients aged twenty years old.
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