In case of implant-tooth connected prosthesis, a natural tooth tends to intrude. There are several mechanisms that explain an intrusion phenomenon. So it is reco mmended not to connect an implant with a natural tooth. A 68-year-old female had upper left 2nd premolar and 2nd molar extracted and underwent implant surgery on the missing area. We made an implant prosthesis and treated upper left 1st molar with a gold crown. 2.5 year later, the patient complained about loose proximal contact and food impaction between upper left 1st molar and 2nd molar. Mesial side of upper left 2nd molar implant prosthesis was soldered so that proximal contact became tight again. But after 7 months, about 2 mm intrusion of upper left 1 st molar occurred, and the patient felt periodontally originated pain on intruded upper left 1 st molar. After the gold crown on upper left 1 st molar was removed, extrusion occurred and pain was relived.
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