Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.52(3) > 1034792

Yang, Yang, Park, Lim, Yun, and Vang: Full mouth implant rehabilitation with double scanning of provisional restoration


It is important to produce a provisional restoration reflecting the patient's jaw relation, occlusal plane, lip support, shape of teeth, and occlusion type for fully edentulous patients before making a definite prosthesis. The patient introduced in this study showed bad prognosis of remained tooth after severe periodontal diseases. Therefore, remaining teeth were extracted and replaced with dental implants. Provisional restorations were fabricated and the the patient's vertical and horizontal jaw relationship, occlusal plane, amount of overjet and overbite, size of teeth, and length of anterior tooth were recorded. Provisional restorations were scanned and CAD/CAM techniques were used to fabricate a monolithic zirconia bridge, which contour is identical with the provisional restorations. The patient was satisfied with the treatment results on functional, esthetic aspects and the prosthesis retained stable during the four-month clinical observation period.


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Fig. 1.
First visit views. (A) Intraoral photo, (B) Panoramic radiograph, (C) Extraoral photo.
Fig. 2.
Diagnostic waxup.
Fig. 3.
1 st provisional restoration fabrication.
Fig. 4.
Occlusal plane analysis with OP finder®.
Fig. 5.
2 nd waxup after cutback of the 1 st provisional restoration.
Fig. 6.
2 nd provisional restoration.
Fig. 7.
Double scanning technique. (A) Maxillary superimposition, (B) Mandibular superimposition, (C) Cutback after maxillary superimposition.
Fig. 8.
Definitive restoration. (A) Frontal view, (B) Lateral view.
Fig. 9.
Facial profile. (A) Before treatment, (B) After treatment.
Table 1.
Diameter and location of installed implant fixture (Anyridge®, Megagen, Daegu, Korea)
Fixture diameter
∅ 3.5 ∅ 4.0 ∅ 4.5
Jaw Maxilla #11, 21 #15 #13, 16, 23, 25, 26
Mandible #33, 43 #34, 44 #36, 46
Table 2.
Cephalometric analysis with 1 st provisional restoration.4,6
Normal range Patient
FMA 16 - 35 25
FH to OP 3 - 11 10
Y axis to FH 53 - 66 61
Mx #1 to SN 102 101
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