Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.48(1) > 1034642

Kwon, Lee, and Yim: Patients’ satisfaction on the obturators with different extension heights into defects after maxillectomy



The purpose of this study was to compare the functional abilities of the low bulb obturators with those of high bulb obturators in terms of patients’ evaluation.

Material and methods

This study included 11 maxillectomy patients who underwent postoperative prosthodontic rehabilitations. Two obturators of the same design except for different bulb heights, were fabricated for each of the maxillectomy patient. After two months of alternate use, the functions of the obturators were measured by investigating the patients’ subjective evaluations in terms of convenience, speech, nasality, leakage, and mastication and identifying their preferred prostheses. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used as a statistical method (P < .05).


There were no significant differences in patient evaluations of low and high bulb obturators (P >.05). And patients’ preferences varied.


In extreme situation such as in mouth opening limitation, the use of low bulb obturators can be recommended and result in comparable speech function to that of obturators with high lateral walls. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2010;48:41-7)


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Fig. 1.
The mean scores and standard deviations of patients’ satisfaction on the convenience in use, retention, stability and irritating feeling with the H type and L type obturators.
Fig. 2.
The mean scores and standard deviations of patients’ satisfaction on the communication level, voice change, pronunciation, and hypernasality with H type and L type obturators.
Fig. 3.
The mean scores and standard deviations of patients’ satisfaction on leakage of liquid, leakage of solid food and mastication with H type and L type obturators.
Fig. 4.
Patients’ preferences of obturator type according to age.
Fig. 5.
Patients’ preferences on obturator type according to sex.
Table I.
Clinical data of maxillectomy patients
Patient number Age Sex Diagnosis Site Operation Aramany Classification
1 52 M squamous cell carcinoma Right maxillary sinus total maxillectomy Class II
3 59 M squamous cell carcinoma Right maxilla partial maxillectomy Class VI
4 70 M squamous cell carcinoma Left maxilla total maxillectomy Class II
5 54 M squamous cell carcinoma Right maxilla total maxillectomy Class II
8 52 M squamous cell carcinoma Right maxilla total maxillectomy Class I
9 46 M adenoid cystic carcinoma Right maxilla total maxillectomy Class II
2 72 F squamous cell carcinoma Left maxillary sinus total maxillectomy Class II
6 42 F mucoepidermoid carcinoma Left maxilla total maxillectomy Class II
7 28 F osteoblastoma Right maxillary sinus partial maxillectomy Class II
10 48 F squamous cell carcinoma Left maxilla partial maxillectomy Class II
11 29 F adenoid cystic carcinoma Left maxilla partial maxillectomy Class I
Table II.
Questionnaire used in the patients’ interview
Number Questions
1 폐쇄장치를 구강 내에 위치시키는 과정은 얼마나 어려웠 습니까?
2 폐쇄장치는구강내에서얼마나잘유지되었습니까?
3 폐쇄장치는구강내에서얼마나잘안정되었습니까?
4 폐쇄장치를구강내에위치시켰을때얼마나이물감이느 껴졌습니까?
5 폐쇄장치를 구강 내에 위치시키고 다른사람과 의사소통 할때얼마나어려웠습니까?
6 폐쇄장치를 구강 내에 위치시키고 목소리가 수술 이전과 얼마나달라졌다고느꼈습니까?
7 폐쇄장치를 구강 내에 위치시키고 단어를 발음하기가 얼 마나어려웠습니까?
8 폐쇄장치를 구강 내에 위치시키고 얼마나 콧소리가 많이 난다고느꼈습니까?
9 폐쇄장치를위치시키고음료수 (물, 국물, 음료수등)를마 실때얼마나코로누출되었습니까?
10 폐쇄장치를 위치시키고 음식물 섭취 시 (빵, 밥, 고기, 국 수, 야채등) 얼마나코로누출되었습니까?
11 폐쇄장치를 위치시키고 음식물을 씹는 것은 얼마나 어려 웠습니까?
Table III.
Patients’ choices on the type of obturators and their reasons
Patient Choice Reason
1 H type better pronunciation, less leakage
2 L type convenience and comfort
3 L type convenience
4 L type convenience
5 No choice clear pronunciation with high bulb obturator
6 H type better function
7 No choice high bulb obturator had better function and low bulb obtu rator had convenience
8 No choice high bulb obturator had better function and low bulb obtu rator had convenience
9 L type convenience
10 H type less leakage
11 H type less leakage
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