Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.47(4) > 1034607

Lee, Kim, Choi, Kim, and Oh: A systematic review of the survival rate on short implants



The objective of this systematic review was to obtain the comprehensive survival rates of short implants. Then it was examined that whether treatment using short implants has favorable results.


A MEDLINE search was performed, the data obtained from many articles about length, diameter, site of placement, surface treatment and prosthetic design were analyzed.

Results and discussion

The data obtained from many articles were analyzed, and it was found that the survival rate of short implants was 95.87%, short implants has similar outcomes to those reported for standard implants. On the other hand, in the comparison the survival rate of 3 groups divided by the diameter of implants under 4 mm, 4 - 5 mm, and above 5 mm, a statistically significant difference was detected in under 4mm group. In implant group with 6 - 7 mm length, a group with 5 - 6 mm diameter has survival rate of 97.01%, groups with 3.1 - 4.8 mm diameter has survival rate of 92.96%, which was statistically significantly different. In the result of surface feature, the roughed surface groups of short implant showed a higher survival rate by approximately 6.3% than machined surface group. In the result of prosthetic design, survival rate of short implant was considerably lower for the single implant crown group (94.3%) than splinting group (99.4%). (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2009;47:457-62)


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Fig. 1.
Search strategy.
Table I.
Exclusion criteria
No detailed information on length of implants
Reporting only on surgical technique or orthodontic screw
Articles that short implants is not used and reports using finite element analysis
The publications do not report in English
Table II.
Significance level (P-value) between 3 groups
  7.5 - 8.5 mm 9 - 12 mm
6 - 7 mm P < 0.0001 P < .0001
7.5 - 8.5 mm   P = .9679

Statistically significant difference relative to group. (P < .05)

Table III.
Survival rate according to diameter (mm) of short implants (failed implants)
Diameter (mm) 3.3 - 3.75 4 - 5 5 - 6 6 - 6.5
Total 539 (29) 268 (7) 335 (13) 7 (2)
(%) 94.61 97.38 96.11 71.42

(%): Survival rates

Table IV.
Survival rate according to inserted site of short implants (Failed implants)
  Mx. Anterior Mx. Posterior Mn. Anterior Mn. Posterior
    3 (3)   2 (1)
  18 (4) 113 (6)   277 (3)
  Mx. 2 (0)   Mn. 3 (0)  
  3 (0) 87 (7) 62 (0) 152 (0)
    54 (3)   242 (10)
        48 (0)
Total 22 (4) 257 (19) 62 (0) 721 (14)
(%) 81.81 92.6 100 98.05

(%): Survival rates Mx.: Maxilla, Mn.: Mandible

Table VI.
Survival rate according to prosthetic design of short implants (Failed implants)
  Single Splint Overdenture
  15 (2) 81 (0)  
  13 (2) 116 (0) 126 (1)
  14 (0) 419 (0) 99 (1)
  29 (0) 82 (4)  
Total 71 (4) 698 (4) 225 (2)
(%) 94.36 99.42 99.11

(%): Survival rates

Table V.
Survival rate according to surface of fixture of short implants (Failed implants)
  Machined TPS SLA Oxidized Acid etched
  116 (8)        
5 (4)          
272 (13) 136 (0)        
  5 (0)        
260 (17)          
111 (18)          
54 (4) 42 (1)        
    83 (3)      
253 (7)          
  106 (2)        
  22 (1)        
532 (2)          
48 (0)          
60 (4) 51 (0)        
Total 818 (64) 361 (11) 240 (5) 183 (1) 554 (3)
(%) 92.17 96.95 97.91 99.45 99.45

(%): Survival rates TPS: Titanium plasma spray, SLA: Sandblasted with large grit and acid etched

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