Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.46(6) > 1034558




The improvement in oral function and comfort from the dental implant appears to depend on the particular type of implant support used with the denture. The number and positioning of implants have an influence on the force transfer and subsequent stress distribution around implants. Nevertheless, a quantitative comparison has not been made between the types of implant prosthesis used with different materials compared to conventional complete denture.


The objective of this study is to assess the masticatory performance, bite force and impact of two different type of implant supported prostheses on oral health-related quality of life compared to conventional complete denture with GOHAI, validated oral-specific health status measures, the sieving method, and the Prescale Dental System.


From the years 1999 to 2006, a total of 30 completely edentulous patients in a single arch were selected from the Yonsei University Dental Hospital, Department of Prosthodontics and Implant Clinic in Seoul, S. Korea. Patients were divided into 3 groups of 10 each. Group HR was restored with fixed-detachable hybrid prostheses with resin teeth. Group FP had fixed dentures with porcelain teeth while Group CD had a complete denture. The masticatory performance was compared between 3 groups.


The results showed a significant improvement in oral health-related quality of life with dental implants compared to a conventional denture in GOHAI comparison. Overall, implant prostheses showed a higher masticatory performance (S50) and maximum bite force compared with conventional dentures (P < .05) but no differences between different implant supported prostheses (P > .05).


Within the limitation of this study, the numbers of implant and material of implant prostheses does not appear to impact patient satisfaction, masticatory performance or bite force.


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Fig. 1.
Test food made with impregum F (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany).
Fig. 2.
A plot of log X against log Y of the data given in Table II.
Fig. 3.
Dental Prescale recording bite film (Fuji film Co., Tokyo, Japan).
Fig. 4.
Comparison between groups with GOHAI questions in 3 dimensions.
Table I.
Summary of patient data
Group Patient number Sex Age Number of implant Prosthesis location Years after treatment
HR 1 M 68 6 Mandible 2 yr 5 mo
2 M 52 6 Mandible 1 yr 6 mo
3 F 72 6 Mandible 2 yr 4 mo
4 F 53 6 Mandible 2 yr 1 mo
5 M 54 6 Mandible 2 yr 9 mo
6 F 62 6 Mandible 3 yr 3 mo
7 M 55 6 Maxillae 4 yr 3 mo
8 M 69 6 Mandible 3 yr 6 mo
9 F 43 6 Mandible 2 yr 2 mo
10 M 66 6 Maxillae 3 yr 1 mo
FP 1 M 70 8 Mandible 1 yr 1 mo
2 F 55 8 Mandible 3 yr 4 mo
3 M 68 8 Mandible 3 yr 3 mo
4 M 51 8 Maxillae 3 yr 11 mo
5 F 57 8 Maxillae 3 yr 3 mo
6 M 46 10 Maxillae 1 yr 10 mo
7 M 68 8 Mandible 3 yr 6 mo
8 M 57 8 Mandible 2 yr 2 mo
9 F 42 8 Mandible 2 yr 8 mo
10 F 63 9 Maxillae 3 yr 2 mo
CD 1 M 73 N/A Maxillae 5 yr 3 mo
2 F 63 N/A Maxillae 3 yr 2 mo
3 F 72 N/A Maxillae 1 yr 2 mo
4 M 50 N/A Maxillae 2 yr 5 mo
5 F 75 N/A Maxillae 2 yr 6 mo
6 M 61 N/A Maxillae 4 yr 3 mo
7 M 54 N/A Maxillae 3 yr 2 mo
8 M 71 N/A Maxillae 3 yr 5 mo
9 M 59 N/A Maxillae 2 yr 6 mo
10 F 73 N/A Maxillae 1 yr 2 mo
Table II.
The treatment of data from 1 food sample
x Log x Yv Yv% Yc% Yr Y Log Y
2 0.69 328.78 88.06 11.93 88.06 -0.13 -2.06
1.8 0.59 7.75 2.08 9.85 90.14 -0.1 -2.27
1.6 0.47 6.4 1.71 8.14 91.85 -0.08 -2.46
1.4 0.34 11.1 2.97 5.17 94.83 -0.05 -2.94
1.2 0.18 5.02 1.34 3.83 96.17 -0.04 -3.24
1 0 3.8 1.02 2.81 97.19 -0.03 -3.56
0.8 -0.22 3.95 1.06 1.75 98.25 -0.02 -4.04
0.6 -0.51 2.89 0.77 0.98 99.02 -0.01 -4.62
Table III.
Comparison of frequency score of individual GOHAI Items
Question items Group HR Group FP Group CD
1. How often did you limit the kinds or amounts of food you eat because of problems with your teeth or dentures? 3.9 4.2 2.5
2. How often did you have trouble biting or chewing different kinds of food, such as firm meat or apples? 3.8 3.9 2.5
3. How often were you able to swallow comfortably? 4.3 4.4 4
4. How often have your teeth or dentures prevented you from speaking the way you wanted? 4.2 4.1 3.9
5. How often were you able to eat anything without feeling discomfort? 4.6 4.7 4.4
6. How often did you limit contacts with people because of the condition of your teeth or dentures? 4.5 4.1 3
7. How often were you pleased or happy with the looks or your teeth and gums, or dentures? 4.1 4.2 3.2
8. How often did you use medication to relieve pain or discomfort from around your mouth? 4.6 4.9 4.7
9. How often were you worried or concerned about the problems with your teeth, gums or dentures? 3.8 3.6 3.1
10. How often did you feel nervous or self-conscious because of problems with your teeth, gums or dentures? 3.6 4.1 3
11. How often did you feel uncomfortable eating in front of people because of problems with you teeth or dentures? 4.5 4.4 4.2
12. How often were your teeth or gums sensitive to hot, cold or sweets? 4.4 4.6 4.9
GOHAI mean score (SD) 4.19 4.26 3.6
  (1.304) (0.993) (1.398)
Table IV.
Multiple comparison by LSD method in physical function items (1, 2, 3 and 4)
Two group comparison Difference between means 95% confidence limits
HR to FP 0.1000 (-0.6613, 0.4613)
FP to CD 0.7250 (0.3637, 1.4863)∗∗∗
HR to CD 0.6250 (-0.2637, 1.3863)∗∗∗

Comparison significant at .05 level are indicated by ∗∗∗

Table V.
Multiple comparison by LSD method in psychosocial items (5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11)
Two group comparison Difference between means 95% confidence limits
HR to FP 0.0000 (-0.4682, 0.4682)
FP to CD 0.7267 (0.2486, 1.1849)∗∗∗
HR to CD 0.7267 (0.2486, 1.1849)∗∗∗

Comparison significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ∗∗∗

Table VI.
Summary statistics of particle size of each subject on s Groups
Group Subject Particle size
a b S50 (㎜) Mean of S50 (㎜) SD
HR 1 -3.71 3.35 2.71 3.23 0.4
2 -3.33 2.67 3.03
3 -4.73 3.34 3.69
4∗ -3.65 2.31 4.15
5 -4.02 3.29 3.03
6 -3.96 3 3.32
7 -5 4.18 3.03
8 -4.03 3.18 3.16
9 -3.74 3.05 3.02
10 -4.01 3.11 3.22
FP 1 -4.19 3.59 2.89 3.18 0.52
2 -4.12 3.48 2.93
3 -3.92 3.56 2.71
4 -4.08 3.7 2.72
5 -4.6 3.9 2.96
6∗ -3.56 2.15 4.42
7 -3.18 2.43 3.17
8 -3.68 2.56 3.65
9 -3.66 2.68 3.41
10 -4.27 3.59 2.97
CD 1 -4.9 4.1 3.01 3.49 0.43
2 -4.25 3.5 3.03
3 -4.3 2.73 4.24
4 -4.22 3.36 3.14
5 -4.2 2.99 3.59
6 -4.08 3.19 3.2
7 -4.1 2.67 4.05
8 -3.76 2.85 3.29
9 -4.46 3.06 3.81
10 -4.77 3.46 3.57

Two standards deviation outlier is indicated by ∗

Table VII.
Summary statistics of maximum bite force of each subject
Group Subject Occlusal force
Value (N) Median value (N) Range
Group HR 1 212.4 370.4 526.1
2 702.5
3 176.4
4 454.4
5 350.7
6 339.6
7 542.4
8 348.2
9 390.2
10 694.4
Group FP 1 306.4 431.4 837.1
2 339.6
3 390.2
4 454.4
5 350.7
6 1126.9
7 408.5
8 461.5
9 1143.5
10 684.5
Group CD 1 94.9 122.2 382.4
2 90.2
3 101.3
4 347.1
5 79.1
6 143.2
7 461.5
8 232.8
9 101.3
10 208.2

N: Newton

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