Journal List > J Korean Soc Transplant > v.28(4) > 1034439

Park, Yu, Koo, Kwak, Lee, Jung, Oh, and Park: Papular Mucinosis in a Renal Transplantation Recipient


Papular mucinosis (PM, scleromyxoedema) is a rare dermatologic disease. It is histologically characterized by a focal dermal deposit of mucin within the skin. Although PM is accepted as an idiopathic disease in most cases, some authors argued that it may be a cutaneous manifestation of a systemic disease. Here, we describe a 68-year-old male kidney transplantation recipient with a complaint of intractable itching sensation on the forehead. We diagnosed the skin lesions as PM, which were improved after cyclosporine dose reduction.


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Fig. 1.
(A) Multiple, relatively well-demarcated, flesh or erythematous colored papules on the forehead. (B) Facial dome-shaped, skin-colored papules resolved 2 weeks after reduction of cyclosporine.
Fig. 2.
A skin biopsy specimen shows (A) intact epidermis, deposition of mucinous materials (HE stain, ×40). (B) Deposition of mucinous materials between the collagen bundles and around the sweat glands (HE stain, ×100).
Fig. 3.
Histopathologic specimens. (A) Alcian blue staining showing the deposits of mucin in the dermis (×40). (B) Alcian blue positive mucin deposits were found in the dermis (×100).
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