Journal List > J Korean Soc Transplant > v.27(4) > 1034406

Park, Cho, Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim, Cho, Kim, Park, Chung, Choi, Lee, Park, Lee, and Yu: Evaluation of the Korean Network for Organ Sharing Expanded Donor Criteria in Deceased Donor Renal Transplantation



This study was conducted in order to evaluate the propriety of expanded donor criteria in Korea and to identify the preoperative factors influencing allograft survival and function.


We studied 404 patients who received deceased renal transplants from five transplantation centers of 2, 3 territory from 2000 to 2010. Differences in 1-year graft function, delayed graft function (DGF) rate, and graft survival rate between the standard criteria donor (SCD) and expanded criteria donor (ECD) were compared retrospectively. The preoperative factors influencing graft function and graft survival were analysed.


SCD showed significantly better 1-year graft function than ECD (P=0.011). No differences in 1-year acute rejection rate were observed between SCD (13.2%) and ECD (16.9%) (P=0.449). Significantly higher DGF rate was observed for ECD (25.4%) than for SCD (14.1%) (P=0.022). Graft type had no significant influence on 5-year graft survival (SCD 94.5% vs. ECD 93.7%) (P=0.835). Advanced donor age (P=0.001), donor hypertension history (P=0.047), high serum creatinine (P=0.002), and cerebral infarction as cause of death (P=0.004) had a negative influence on 1-year allograft function. Significantly low graft survival was observed for advanced donor age (P=0.002).


Graft function, DGF rates of ECD were poorer than those of SCD. Graft survival rate of ECD was comparable to that of SCD kidney. Korean Network for Organ Sharing expanded criteria may underestimate the organ quality of deceased kidney and modification may be needed in order to expand the potential donor pool through nationwide study.


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Fig. 1.
Renal allograft survival rate according to donor criteria: standard criteria donor (SCD) versus expanded criteria donor (ECD).
Fig. 2.
Influence of donor age on recipient allograft survival.
Fig. 3.
Total of 71 patients were assorted as expanded criteria donor (ECD) by Korean Network for Organ Sharing (KONOS) criteria and only 27 patients (38.0%) of them were expanded donor by United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) criteria. Abbreviation: SCD, standard criteria donor.
Fig. 4.
Kidney grade determined by Nyberg donor score in 71 patients of Korean Network for Organ Sharing expanded criteria donor.
Table 1.
Comparison of recipient and donor characteristics
Variable SCD (n=333) ECD (n=71) P-value
Recipient characteristics      
 Age 42.5±10.6 44.7±12.0 0.111
 Male 180 (54.1) 41 (57.7) 0.601
 Duration of dialysis 67.6±41.8 62.6±52.5 0.080
 Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.1±3.3 22.6±3.4 0.231
 Cause of ESRD     0.304
  Diabetes mellitus 27 (8.1) 5 (7.0)  
  Hypertension 82 (24.6) 20 (28.2)  
  Glomerulonephritis 173 (52.0) 41 (57.7)  
  Others 51 (15.3) 5 (7.0)  
 Previous transplant 50 (15.0) 10 (14.1) 0.858
 HLA zero mismatch 21 (6.3) 7 (9.9) 0.303
 No. of HLA mismatches 3.7±1.5 3.9±1.7 0.001
Donor characteristics      
 Age 38.2±13.8 44.8±16.6 <0.001
 Male 226 (67.9) 54 (76.1) 0.203
 History of hypertension 49 (14.7) 19 (26.8) 0.016
 Diabetes mellitus 6 (1.8) 4 (5.6) 0.080
 Cause of death     0.703
  Cerebrovascular accident 289 (86.8) 60 (84.5)  
  Others 44 (13.2) 11 (15.5)  
 Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.2±2.9 22.8±3.1 0.085
 Proteinuria (≥++, 2 times) 0 (0) 11 (15.5) 0.000
 Use of norepinephrine 155 (46.5) 38 (53.5) 0.298

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

Abbreviations: SCD, standard criteria donor; ECD, extended criteria donor; ESRD, end stage renal disease; HLA, human leukocyte antigen.

Table 2.
Causes which assorted deceased donor as expanded criteria donor
Variable ECD (n=71)
Nonheart beating donor 3 (4.2)
Hypotensive attack a 17 (23.9)
Age ≥60 years 16 (22.5)
sCr ≥3.0 mg/dL or CrCl ≤60 mL/min 24 (33.8)
Proteinuria (≥++) ≥2 times 8 (11.3)
Proteinuria (≥++) ≥2 times+sCr ≥3.0 mg/dL 2 (2.8)
Age ≥60 years+sCr ≥3.0 mg/dL 1 (1.4)

Abbreviation: ECD, extended criteria donor.

a Cardiac arrest during donor management.

Table 3.
Comparison of clinical results in terms of estimated glomerular filtration rate, acute resection episode, and delayed graft function between standard criteria donor and expanded criteria donor
Variable SCD (n=333) ECD (n=71) P-value
eGFR at 6 mo 66.5±29.1 57.3±17.1 0.007
eGFR at 1 yr 66.1±27.9 57.3±20.2 0.011
eGFR at 3 yr 64.2±27.4 60.0±29.4 0.202
eGFR at 5 yr 61.8±30.3 63.7±37.4 0.806
Acute rejection within 1 yr 44 (13.2) 12 (16.9) 0.449
Delayed graft function 47 (14.1) 18 (25.4) 0.022

Data are presented as mean±SD or number (%).

Abbreviation: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate calculated by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation.

Table 4.
Donor variables associated with recipient estimated glomerular filtration rate at 1 year
Donor variables No. (%) eGFR at 1 year (mL/min/1.73 m2) P-value
Age (yr)     <0.001
 <20 56 (13.9) 79.9±27.3  
 20∼39 110 (27.2) 65.2±29.7  
 40∼59 221 (54.7) 61.5±23.8  
 ≥60 17 (4.2) 49.8±26.9  
Creatinine (mg/dL)     0.030
 <1.5 262 (64.9) 66.7±27.2  
 1.5∼2.9 113 (28.0) 60.6±27.4  
 ≥3.0 29 (7.2) 59.9±18.7  
Proteinuria (≥2++)     0.894
 Present 11 (2.7) 63.7±16.1  
 Absent 393 (97.3) 64.5±27.1  
Cardiac arrest event during donor management     0.266
 Yes 20 (5.0) 59.5±19.5  
 No 384 (95.0) 64.8±27.2  
Hypertension history     0.047
 Yes 68 (6.8) 59.9±26.0  
 No 336 (83.2) 65.5±27.0  
Cause of death     0.004
 CVA 349 (86.4) 63.5±27.7  
 Non-CVA 55 (13.6) 70.9±20.3  
HLA mismatch     0.632
 0 28 (6.9) 63.4±23.2  
 1 9 (2.2) 51.8±16.0  
 2 29 (7.2) 62.6±21.6  
 3 76 (18.8) 67.7±26.6  
 4 122 (30.2) 64.2±26.1  
 5 109 (27.0) 64.7±31.3  
 6 31 (7.7) 63.8±24.6  

Data are presented as mean±SD.

Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; HLA, human leukocyte antigen.

Table 5.
Multivariate regression models for risk factors of 1-year estimated glomerular filtration rate after deceased donor kidney transplantation
Risk factor B SE β T P-value
Donor age          
 20∼39 −13.084 4.428 −0.217 −3.003 0.003
 40∼59 −16.607 4.081 −0.308 −4.069 <0.001
 ≥60 −28.230 7.597 −0.211 −3.716 <0.001
Serum creatinine (mg/dL)          
 1.5∼2.9 −4.548 2.978 −0.076 −1.527 0.127
 ≥3.0 −5.699 5.178 −0.055 −1.100 0.272
History of hypertension −1.253 3.664 −0.017 −0.342 0.733
Cause of death (CVA) −1.253 3.920 −0.032 −0.649 0.517

Adjust R2=0.057; R2=0.073; F=4.480; P=0.000.

Abbreviations: B, unstandardised beta coefficient; SE, standard error; β, standardised beta coefficient; T, t-test statistic; R2, R squared change.

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