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Journal List > J Bacteriol Virol > v.41(2) > 1034021

Na and Nam: Infectobesity: a New Area for Microbiological and Virological Research


Obesity is connected with numerous diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, and nervous system dysfunctions. Obesity is affected by genetic, environmental, and cultural factors. However, numerous studies indicate that several pathogens might cause obesity. This review discusses recent data and the characteristics of pathogens that are implicated in obesity. In particular, human adenovirus 36 (Ad36) is the most clearly implicated virus in human obesity. It was recently shown that obese groups from the USA, Korea, and Italy have a higher prevalence of serum antibodies against Ad36. The mechanisms of Ad36-induced obesity remain unclear. However, glucose uptake and inflammation are possible mechanisms of Ad36-induced obesity. Overall, this new understanding of causes of obesity has developed into the concept of ‘infectobesity’ and the possibility of developing a ‘vaccine’ or ‘therapeutic agents’ for obesity.

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Figure 1.
Increasing ratios of obese population are appeared all over the world as Europe, Asia, and USA. (A) Global obesity percentage. Obesity prevalence in the USA (B) and Korea (C). (1, 2)
Figure 2.
Effects of gut microbiota (25). Infection with gut microbiota increases body weight and free fatty acid in serum. It induces insulin resistance and reduces hepatic VLDL secretion. Therefore gut microbiota effects fatty liver production.
Figure 3.
Structure of human adenovirus 36 (38). Human adenovirus 36 is nonenveloped isosahedral structure and medium size (90~100 nm). Purified virion fraction is symmetry (rotational axes) and the architecture of the hexon-penton-relation becomes apparent.
Figure 4.
The structure of Ad36 (49). The genome length of Ad36 is 35,152 bp with the GC content at 57.2%. The organization of the 39 open reading frames (ORFs) was similar to that of other adenoviruses.
Figure 5.
Inflammation state in obesity (63). When adipocytes undergo hypertrophy, releasing chemokines that induce recruitment M1-polarized macrophages increased MCP-1 and IL-6.
Table 1.
Pathogens correlated with obesity (Reference 6~11)
  Year first reported Animal model Effect on Body weight Effect on biochemical parameters Association with human obesity
Scrapie 1968 Mice ↑Body weight due to fat accumulation Brain function alteration Not reported
Chlamydia pneumoniae 2000 Human ↑Significantly higher BMI Association with coronary heart disease Partially yes
Gut microbiota 2004 Mice ↑whole body fat 57% ↑epidemal fat 69% Increased insulin resistance and glucose Yes
CDV 1982 Mice ↑number and size of fat cell Alters hypothalamic integrity Not reported
RAV-7 1983 Embryos-chicken line ↑obesity ↑hyperlipidemia Hepatomegaly, anemia and immune suppression No
SMAM-1 1990 Chicken ↑excessive visceral fat Enlarged liver, kidney, hepatic fatty infiltration and congestion Partially yes
BDV 1991 Rats ↑serum glucose ↑triglyceride Inflammation lesions and viral replication in hypothalamus Not reported
Ad-37 2002 Chicken ↑obesity Differentiated 3T3-L1 No
Ad-5 2002 Mice ↑Obesity Important role of predispositioin to obesity Not reported
Ad-36 2000 Chicken, Mice, Rhesus and marmoset monkeys, Rats ↑body weight ↑visceral fat ↑epidermal fat ↑inguinal fat E4 orf-1 Increase adipose tissue, low levels of serum cholesterol and TG Strongly yes Epidemiological data
Table 2.
Subgroups of human adenoviruses (Reference 39)
Subgroup (species) Hemagglutination groups Serotypes Percentage of GC in DNA Disease
A IV (little or no agglutination) 12, 18, 31 48~49 Meningoencephalitis
B I (complete agglutination of monkey erythrocytes) 3, 7, 11, 14, 16, 21, 34, 35, 50 50~52 Acute respiratory disease
C III (partial agglutination of rat erythrocytes) 1, 2, 5, 6 57~59 Acute febrile pharyngitis
D II (complete agglutination of rat erythrocytes) 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22~30, 32, 33, 36~39, 42~49, 51 57~61 Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
E III 4 57~59 Pneumonia
F III 40, 41 50~52 Gastoenteritis
G 52 55 Gastoenteritis
Table 3.
Homology of amino acid sequences with Ad36 (Reference 49)
  Ad8 Ad9 Ad19 Ad22 Ad28 Ad37 Ad49 Ad53
Pentonbase 91.4 92.1 93.3 92.3 92.3 90.6 91.7 90.6
Hexon 91 90.5 90.1 91 90.5 90.7 91.8 91
CR1β 46.5 48.6 48.3 46 51 45.8 85 47.1
CR1γ 69.9 64.3 87 69 61 70.1 66.9 69.6
Fiber 69 64.3 62.4 68.7 65 62.4 66 63.5
ORF4 90.8 91.7 89.2 91 83.5 90 91.7 91.7
ORF3 88.9 88 88 86 87.2 88 88 88.9
ORF2 86.2 86.9 86.9 86 93.8 86.9 87.7 86.2
ORF1 84 92 47.2a 91.2 91.2 47.2a 91.2 84.8

a Shorter proteins due to frameshift

Table 4.
Prevalence of Ad36 in human populations
Children (%)   Obese Overweight
  Korean cohort 1 (57) 30a (25/84)  
  Korean cohort 2 (56) 29 (74/259)  
  US cohort 1 (54) 22 (15/67)  
Adults (%)      
  Korean cohort 3 (in press IJO) 30 (54/180) 40 (72/180)
  US cohort 2 (43) 30 (108/252)  
  US cohort 3 (51) 34 (68/104)  
  Europe cohort 1 (55) 65 (51/150)  
  Europe cohort 2 (50) 6 (28/509)  

a percentage (positive / total number)

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