Hantaan virus (HTNV) is widely distributed in Korea and has been known to cause haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Hantaviruses are carried by numerous rodent species throughout the world. Especially, the striped-field mice, Apodemus agrarius, is the natural host for Hantaan virus in Korea, In this study, a total 117 wild rodents of 2 species (A. agrarius, Crocidura laciura) were trapped from six county (Damyang-gun, Hwasun-gun, Gokseong-gun, Jangheung-gun, Hampyeong-gun and Boseong-gun) in Jeonnam province from Sep. 2003 to Nov. 2004 for epidemiological survey. As determined by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test, IgG antibodies against HTNV were detected in 13.4% (14/103) of A. agrarius captured on above the areas. Serologic evidence for HTNV infection was not found in 14 C. laciura. 5 of A. agrarius were positive of hantaan viral RNA amplication from lung tissue of 14 seropositive A. agrarius by RT-PCR. For isolation of the hantaan virus, the lung tissue homogenate of 14 seropositive A. agrarius inoculated Vero E6 cells, but virus was not isolated.
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![]() | Figure 1.Agarose gel electophoresis of RT-PCR products for the detection of Hantaan virus of the wild rodents trapped in Jeollanam-do. |
Table 1.
List of specific primers used in this study
Table 2.
Seroprevalence of hantaan virus infection of A. agrarius in Jeollanam-do, 2003∼2004
Table 3.
Serologic evidence for hantaan virus infection of A. agrarius and C. laciura captured in six province of Jeollanam-do, 2003∼2004
Table 4.
Positivity of Hantaviral RNA amplication from lung tissues of A. agrarius by RT-PCR