Journal List > Pediatr Allergy Respir Dis > v.22(4) > 1033206

Min, Kim, Kim, Kim, Sohn, Yoon, Kim, and Kim: Congenital Bronchoesophageal Fistula with Imperforate Anus and Atrial Septal Defect in a 3-Year-Old Child


Congenital bronchoesophageal fistula (BEF), congenital communication between esophagus and bronchus, is a rare malformation. Benign BEF shows only nonspecific symptoms that may delay a correct diagnosis and proper treatment. This is a case of a 3-year-old boy presenting congenital BEF with imperforate anus and atrial septal defect. He had recurrent pneumonia in the right lower lobe since he was 5 months old. A barium swallow examination showed a communicating fistula between the lower esophagus and the right lower lobe bronchus. Computed tomography scan supported to delineate the course of the fistula. He underwent resection surgery of the fistula and lobectomy of the right lower lobe. He recovered without any postoperative complications.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
Chest radiography shows multifocal radiolucency in right lower lung field.
Fig. 2
Axial chest computed tomphy reveals unusual approximation between the right bronchus (white arrow) of pathologic area and the dilated air-contained esophagus (black arrow).
Fig. 3
Barium esophagogram demonstrates a fistula (arrow) from the lowesophagus leading to the right lower lobe.
Fig. 4
At dissection, an esophageal bronchus (inner circle) was found 5 mm in diameter and 30 mm in length.


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