Journal List > Korean J Hematol > v.43(1) > 1032804

Lim, Choi, Nam, Seo, Yoon, and Koo: A Case of Congenital Hemolytic Anemia of Unknown Cause Combined with Gilbert's Syndrome


Congenital hemolytic anemia is mainly developed due to intrinsic defects of erythrocytes, but in some cases the cause of hemolytic anemia is unclear. Gilbert's syndrome shows mild, chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia that is due to reduced UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT-1A1) activity and this develops because of UGT-1A1 gene mutation. We report here on a case of severe hyperbilirubinemia in a 17-year-old male who was diagnosed with congenital hemolytic anemia of an unknown cause combined with Gilbert's syndrome.


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Fig. 1
Normoblast and basophilic stippling are shown on peripheral blood smear (Wright-Giemsa stain, ×1,000).
Fig. 2
The chage of total bilirubin and hemoglobin levels after splenectomy.
Table 1.
UGT1A1 gene genotyping
Region NT# Wild Mutant Observed Seq Allele designation
Promotor −53∼42 (TA)6 (TA)7 (TA)7/(TA)7 ∗28/∗28
Promotor −3156 G A A/A
Promotor −3279 T G G/G
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