In a surgery of the oral cavity, nasotracheal intubation is often carried out to secure the surgical field. By passing a tracheal tube through the nasal cavity to the pharynx, the nasotracheal intubation can lead to complications that do not occur with oral intubation, such as nasal bleeding and submucosal aberration etc. The purpose of this study is to examine the method of CT evaluation and pretreatment for a safe nasotracheal intubation.
Materials and Methods
Among 30 patients who orthognathic surgery was performed at Chung-Ang University Hospital during the period August 2009 to October 2009, 30 patients were included. The 30 patients were divided into two groups; 15 patients intubated with CT evaluation with pretreatment, and the other 15 patients intubated with no pretreatment. We evaluated nasal bleeding of the two groups during nasotracheal intubation.
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