Journal List > Yonsei Med J > v.9(2) > 1032358

Kim, Ryu, and Hong: Effect of Air-Craft Noise on Gastric Function


Thirty three healthy young men and six dogs equipped with gastric fistulae were stimulated by noise of 100 to 120 phons emanating from a F-86F jet engine. The basal secretion of gastric juice in the dogs was little changed, but in human subjects the secretion of gastric juice was altered as follows; 30.3% of 33 subjects showed an increased acid output, 63.6% showed a decrease and the remaining showed no change. Furthermore, the basal resting secretion of those showing decreased acidity from noise exposure was higher than that of those showing increased acidity. Gastric motility was greatly inhibited by exposure to noise in both dogs and humans but the inhibition was more sensitive and more prolonged in humans.
Rats fed synthetic diet were placed under conditions of repeated noise for either short or long periods and the occurrence of gastric ulcers by the procedure described by Shay et al was observed. The prevalence of ulcer lesions was increased and the severity of the lesion was enhanced in rats exposed to noise for either short or long periods.
The above results indicate that the influences of air-craft noise were not remarkable, but the noise to a considerable degree, is responsible for the occurrence of gastric disorders in man.

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