Journal List > Yonsei Med J > v.9(2) > 1032354

Suh, Choi, and An: Statistical Observation of Ileocecal Intussuception


This report includes experiences of 63 cases of lntussusception treated in Severance Hospital from October 1964 to September 1968.
1. In age distribution, 44 cases were observed under one year of age (69.9%) and peak incidence occurs from the 4th to 7th month (38%). Males showed a decidedly higher incidence than females with a ratio of 2.3:1. Seasonal incidence showed 33.3 per cent in the Summer.
2. The cardinal symptoms and signs were irritability or abdominal pain, palpable abdominal mass, vomiting, and bloody mucous stools.
3. 7 out of 63 cases had an underlying cause; Meckel's diverticulum 2, enteric cyst 1, submucosal cyst 1, lymphosarcoma 1, reticulum cell sarcoma 1, and malrotation, and 5 cases out of six were under 3 years of age.
4. Of 63 cases, operative intervention without trial of barium enema reduction was used in 24 cases, 7 cases had only diagnostic barium enema. In the rest of the cases, namely 32 cases, hydrostatic pressure barium enema was performed and successful reduction was accomplished in 13 cases.

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