Journal List > Yonsei Med J > v.9(2) > 1032353

Chung, Park, and Chang: Congenital Mulscular Torticollis -Analysis of 17 Cases-


Our clinical observation are based on a series of 17 cases with muscular torticollis operated on since 1955 at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
1. In a series of 4 infants and 13 older children with congential torticollis, a sternocleidomastoid tumor was detected clinically in 4 cases less than 5 months of age and in 5 older patients.
2. The age at the onset of symptoms ranged from one week to 5 years, with an average duration of symptoms of nine and a ha1f years.
3. Results of surgical correction in this series were uniformly good.
4. Secondary changes in these cases of congenital torticollis were improved only when the surgical treatment was given while there was still growth potential.
5. In our series of cases, there was no congenital deformity other than torticollis.
6. On microscopic examination of the pathologic specimen, there was no evidence of hemorrhage or pyogenic infection.

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